This is a basic tutorial repo demonstrating a simple Java-to-C/C++ building on Android via the
"ndk-build" process on Android Development Studio 4
- Android NDK can be download in a couple of ways.
- Method 1: Go to [NDK Downloads] ( and download the latest version
- Extract the files at a suitable place and
- Method 2: Install via Android Development Studio's SDK manager
- Go to the SDK Manager, SDK Tools and then select the NDK Side-by-side option
- This will install the latest version of the NDK in Linux to the "/home/ubuntu/Android/Sdk/ndk/" location
Regardless of the method given above, you'll have to ensure the Android NDK is selected in your native project (explained later on)
- Now create an Android project with an empty activity
- Go to File->Project Structure-> SDK Location and make sure the NDK location is selected
- This can also be changed by going to Project view -> and checking the following example entry is visible:
- Add a ndktest.c C/C++ Resource file in this folder and update it as follows:
jstring Java_com_example_androidndktutorial_MainActivity_helloWorld(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj){
return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "Hello World 123");
Code explanation of ndktest.c: The native C function showing in this method has the following crucial elements:
The method's name is basically the complete Java package of start from the Java folder including the actual helloWorld method that we'll be calling
This makes the entire route to be Java->com.example.androidndktutorial->MainActivity->helloWorld
Hence, in ndktest.c, the method transforms to Java_com_example_androidndktutorial_MainActivity_helloWorld
The method simply returns/sets a point to a string (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "Hello World 123")
This string is then mapped to the text property of the TextView control in the activity_main.xml file
Create an file as follows: The file has a very simple setup indicating the ndktest.c source file name which is to be built by the ndk-build command
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := ndktest
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ndktest.c
- Create an file and at present keep it simple by only adding the following:
The APP_ABI := all indicate that this native built is expected to target all platforms
APP_ABI := all APP_PLATFORM := android-16
- Go to the root folder of the Android project and enter the ndk-build command. This generates an output somewhat similar to the following:
[arm64-v8a] Compile : ndktest <= ndktest.c
[arm64-v8a] SharedLibrary :
[arm64-v8a] Install : => libs/arm64-v8a/
[x86_64] Compile : ndktest <= ndktest.c
[x86_64] SharedLibrary :
[x86_64] Install : => libs/x86_64/
[armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : ndktest <= ndktest.c
[armeabi-v7a] SharedLibrary :
[armeabi-v7a] Install : => libs/armeabi-v7a/
[x86] Compile : ndktest <= ndktest.c
[x86] SharedLibrary :
[x86] Install : => libs/x86/
- Now switch to the Project view and create a jniLibs folder in app/java/ location
- Copy the entire set of folders shown above (i.e. arm64-v8a, x86_64, armeabi-v7a and x86 to this jniLibs folder)
- Go to the and declare the following:
public native String helloWorld();
This loads the related ndktest library as per our most recently moved build.
- Now switch to the activity_main.xml and add the following:
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
- Now move to the onCreate method in the and add the following line of code
((TextView) findViewById(;
The code simply calls the native helloWorld() method which returns the hard-coded "Hello World" string reference which is then displayed in the TextView
- Finally, we are ready to test our native Android C/C++ method by running our code which will eventually display the "Hello World" string the in the TextView control of the activity_main.xml file