A command-line ActiveMerchant testing tool using Thor.
This application requires:
- Ruby 2.3.6
- Rails 5.1.5
Run this command to get started:
bundle install
By default the Billing mode is set to :test
(not :production
). This is set in the Thorfile.
Once docker is installed run:
docker-compose build
Then the following commands can be run as is by prefixing them with:
docker-compose run web ...
For example:
docker-compose run web bundle exec thor gateway:purchase BraintreeBlueGateway merchant_id:123 public_key:456 private_key:789 amount:1000 number:4111111111111111 month:3 year:2018 first_name:Bob last_name:Smith verification_value:123 brand:visa
First you must find the ActiveMerchant representation of your gateway. In this example we are using Braintree Blue
bundle exec thor gateway:search braintree
Refer to active_merchant to understand how to format your gateway specific credentials.
In this example BraintreeBlue is formatted like:
merchant_id: X
public_key: Y
private_key: Z
So those arguments are appended after specifying the command and the gateway to use. Note the below command isn't complete yet.
bundle exec thor gateway:some_command BraintreeBlueGateway merchant_id:123 public_key:456 private_key:789
When purchasing an amount is included. The command below is a purchase for $10.
bundle exec thor gateway:purchase BraintreeBlueGateway merchant_id:123 public_key:456 private_key:789 amount:1000 number:4111111111111111 month:3 year:2018 first_name:Bob last_name:Smith verification_value:123 brand:visa
When authorizing an amount is included. The command below is an authorization for $10.
Furthermore the details of the credit card must be specified via:
For a list of accepted brands refer to credit_card
bundle exec thor gateway:authorize BraintreeBlueGateway merchant_id:123 public_key:456 private_key:789 amount:1000 number:4111111111111111 month:3 year:2018 first_name:Bob last_name:Smith verification_value:123 brand:visa
An amount and authorization is required when performing a capture.
bundle exec thor gateway:capture BraintreeBlueGateway merchant_id:123 public_key:456 private_key:789 amount:1000 authorization:123
An authorization id is required when voiding a transaction.
bundle exec thor gateway:void BraintreeBlueGateway merchant_id:123 public_key:456 private_key:789 authorization:0fw94a1d
An authorization id and amount is required when refunding a transaction.
bundle exec thor gateway:refund BraintreeBlueGateway merchant_id:123 public_key:456 private_key:789 amount:1000 authorization:e33z96tk