Home automation is the area of knowledge and also of engineering aimed at the development of home automation solutions to provide its users with greater comfort and safety. Another application, which has a strong social appeal, is to provide accessibility to activities and equipment for people with special needs that, previously, would have depended on the intervention of other people. Home automation solutions are usually composed of control hardware, responsible for monitoring sensors and triggering devices and system management software, which has basic functionality for registering devices, monitoring events and executing commands. This work proposes the developmet of a prototype of a low-cost home automation system composed of control hardware that communicates with a smartphone through the TCP / IP protocol and an application for management android, with access through the Internet. This work also has the secondary goal of demonstrating the viability of low-cost solutions, democratizing access to home automation.
Keywords: Home Automation; Domotics; Internet of Things; MQTT; Residential Lighting.