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Powerful styling without leaving Clojure/ClojureScript - f**k CSS


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Powerful styling without leaving Clojure/ClojureScript - f**k CSS. FkCSS is a minimal CLJ->CSS library without the weight of CLJSS and other alternatives.


  • Styles scoped by Clojure namespace
  • Fonts and animations via @font-face and @keyframes
  • Concise syntax, but more expressive property values where desired
  • Auto-prefixing
  • Custom property handlers
  • Only a few hundred lines of code


Most useful things are defined in fkcss.core, so require that in your module.

(ns ...
    [fkcss.core :as ss]))

Styles are represented by maps of properties and nested style maps.The key determines how FkCSS interprets a value in the style map:

  • Keywords ending in > denote a nested tag style
  • Keywords ending in >> denote a nested pseudo-element style
  • Keywords ending in ? denote conditional properties
  • Strings denote some number of whitespace delimited classes

Here's an example:

  {:color "red"}

  {:color "blue"}

  "foo bar"
  {:color "pink"}}}

Which yields:

div:hover {
  color: red;

div::before {
  color: blue;
} {
  color: pink;

Use a vector for more concise nesting.

{[:div> :before>>]
 {:color "blue"}}

Use a map for more concise sub-properties.

 {:margin {:left "1rem" :right "1rem"}}}


div {
  margin-left: 1rem;
  margin-right: 1rem;


Use defclass to define namespace scoped classes, it'll bind the given var name to the name of the generated class.

(ss/defclass my-class
  {:color "red"

   {:color "blue"}})

(defn my-component []
  [:div {:class my-class}

Properties at the root of a defclass apply to elements with the defined class. Properties in a nested node within a defclass apply to elements within an element with the defined class.

defanimation, reg-animation!

Namespace scoped animations can be defined with defanimation, or animations with custom names can be registered with reg-animation!.

(ns example-ns)

(ss/defanimation example-1
 {:from {:opacity 0}
  :to {:opacity 1}})

(ss/reg-animation! "example-2"
 {0 {:opacity 0}
  1 {:opacity 1}})

(ss/reg-animation "example-3"
 {"0%" {:opacity 0}
  "100%" {:opacity 1}})

This yields.

@keyframes example-ns-example-1 {
  from { opacity: 0; }
  to { opacity: 1; }

@keyframes example-2 {
  0% { opacity: 0; }
  100% { opacity: 1; }

@keyframes example-3 {
  0% { opacity: 0; }
  100% { opacity: 1; }

Nested nodes aren't allowed in animation property maps.


Add fonts to the generated CSS with reg-font!.

(ss/reg-font! "Tangerine"
  [{:src "url(angerine-Regular.ttf) format('opentype')"
    :font-weight 400
    :font-style "normal"}
   {:src "url(Tangerine-Bold.ttf) format('opentype')"
    :font-weight 700
    :font-style "normal"}])

This yields.

@font-face {
  src: url(/fonts/Tangerine-Regular.ttf) format('opentype');
  font-weight: 400;
  font-style: normal;
  font-family: 'Tangerine';
@font-face {
  src: url(/fonts/Tangerine-Bold.ttf) format('opentype');
  font-weight: 700;
  font-style: normal;
  font-family: 'Tangerine';

A single map can be given instead of the vector when only one @font-face is needed.


Use reg-style! to register global styles. Properties at the root of such style maps apply to all elements. reg-style! requires a key in addition to the style map itself so it can do the right replacement/cleanup when namespaces are reloaded.

(ss/reg-style! ::global
  {:color "blue"
   :text-decoration "none"}})


Use gen-css to generate CSS for all registered styles.

(def css (ss/gen-css))


FkCSS can generate the CSS and add it to a style tag in the DOM in one go, if running in a browser.

(ns ...
    [fkcss.cljs :as ss-cljs]))


Use unmount! to remove it.

Property Handlers

Property handlers allow for custom translations from FkCSS properties to CSS properties. FkCSS comes with some builtin handlers in fkcss.render/default-property-handlers which handle vendor prefixing and allow for some conveniences like margin-x/margin-y properties. Custom handlers can be passed into gen-css, but be sure to merge them with the defaults if you want to keep the bultin ones.

   {...custom handlers...})})

The map of property handlers should look like this:

 (fn [property-value]
   {:property-name property-value
    :-webkit-property-name property-value
    :-ms-property-name property-value}})}

Where the :props map in the handlers result gives the final CSS properties.

Built-in Property Handlers

  • margin-x/margin-y shorthand
  • padding-x/padding-y shorthand
  • border-<edge>-radius shorthand (top/right/bottom/left)
  • box-shadow map value with explicit keys #{:offset-x :offset-y :inset? :blur-radius :spread-radius}
  • Vendor prefixes for appropriate properties

Example of more expressive box shadow syntax.

{:box-shadow {:inset? true :offset-x 0 :offset-y 2}}


Predicates allow for conditional rules without depending on how the test is implemented. Predicates are keys ending in ? within a style map. FkCSS has builtin predicates for the most common cases, but custom predicates can also be given in gen-css.

   {...custom predicates...})})

The predicates map should look like:

 {:selector <css-selector>
  :exec <boolean-function>
  :query <css-query>}}

Any predicate field can be omitted, in which case it simply won't apply.

The :selector field should give a CSS selector to limit where the conditional rules will apply. For example :hover or .selected.

The :exec field should give a function to be executed when the CSS is being generated; if the function returns false then the conditional CSS simply won't be generated.

The :query field should give a @media or @supports query to predicate the rule on.

Built-in Predicates

For CLJ and CLJS: :hovered?, :active? :focused?, :focus-visible?, :enabled?, :disabled?, :visited?, :checked?, :expanded?, :current?, :screen-tiny?, :screen-small?, :screen-large?, :screen-huge?, :pointer-fine?, :pointer-coarse?, :pointer-none?, :hoverable?

For CLJS only: :touchable?

See fkcss.render/default-predicates for how these or implemented and as examples for custom predicates.


Powerful styling without leaving Clojure/ClojureScript - f**k CSS







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