Takes TLV in the form of UTF8 hex values, interprets the Tags, Lengths and Values, and outputs the interpretation in a more readable format.
2 Commands available:
- tlvparse
- hextoraw
usage: TLVisuals [-h] [-f FILE] [-o OUT] [-v] [--input-format INPUT_FORMAT] [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT]
Prints TLV in a readable format. Without options, app will read from standard input and assume the format is Hex in ASCII form, and output will be to standard output
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE Parses input from specified FILE
-o OUT, --out OUT Writes output to specified OUT file
-v, --verbose Outputs more logs
--input-format INPUT_FORMAT
Specifies input format:
-der: input is raw hex
otherwise assumed to be ascii hex
--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT
Specifies output format:
-interpretation: shows basic TLV flag interpretation
usage: tlvisuals hextoraw [-h] [-f FILE] [-o OUT]
Converts ASCII hex input to raw bytes, ignoring whitespaces
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE Reads input from specified FILE
-o OUT, --out OUT Writes output to specified OUT file
Delete files in dist/ python3 -m build twine upload dist/* use token for auth username: __token__