RentPeCar is a Full Stack Web Application developed using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, MySQL and React.js. The application allows users to rent cars from a car rental company. Users can view available cars, make reservations, and manage their reservations.
=> Features:- The application provides the following features : User authentication and authorization View available cars Reserve a car for a specific date range View reservations and their status Cancel a reservation Admin dashboard for managing cars and reservations
=> Technologies:- The application is built using the following technologies: Spring Boot: A popular Java framework for building web applications Spring Data JPA: A library for easy database access using JPA (Java Persistence API) Hibernate: A powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library MySQL: A popular relational database management system React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces
=> Prerequisites:- Before running the application, you need to have the following software installed on your machine: Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or later Node.js and npm MySQL
This project has 3 modules - Admin, Employee, and User. #More features to be implemented later in this project.
In this repository, three folders are present in which:- #one is Backend named RentPeCar inside RentPeCar_Backend folder which is written in SpringToolSuite4 #the second one is Frontend folder which is written in Visual Studio Code and #the third folder contains Scrrenshots of the working project RentPeCar website.
#Backend is running on port 4000, you can change in and give the same port to frontend in Frontend folder in Commons folder in constants. #Give your database localhost credential in #For running frontend open the RentPeCar_Frontend folder in VS Code and write the command in terminal - npm start
=> Conclusion:- RentPeCar is a fully functional web application developed using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, MySQL and React. The application provides users with the ability to rent cars from a car rental company. The application is easy to set up and provides a great starting point for building similar web applications.