A service that checks https://httpstat.us/200 and https://httpstat.us/503 to provide metrics on what the response time is and if they're up.
Run make test
To build and run this project locally, you need the following things:
- Go v1.16
- Kubectl v1.18.x
- Helm v3.5.x
- Kubernetes cluster (e.g. Docker for Desktop with Kubernetes enabled)
To deploy everything:
helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
make deploy-prometheus
make deploy
This will deploy httpstat-monitor and the kube-prometheus stack which includes the Prometheus Operator, Prometheus, and Grafana (as well as a few other things).
If your Kubernetes cluster is running on your local machine, run make port-forward-prometheus
to have kubectl
port-forward the Prometheus UI to your local machine and then navigate to http://localhost:9090/graph
in your browser.
You can also do this with the Grafana UI by running make port-forward-grafana
and then navigate to http://localhost:8080
The default credentials for Grafana are:
User: admin
Password: prom-operator