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Common issues

Edward Jones edited this page Dec 5, 2020 · 2 revisions

This page is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but should cover some of the most likely issues you'll encounter if setting up or running this bot! If you encounter an issue that is not listed here, please file a new issue clearly explaining the problem and the version of the bot you're using.

Note: This repository is currently in maintenance mode – only bug fixes and dependency updates will be provided, though extremely well-crafted pull requests (including tests!) also have a chance of making their way into the main branch. You can still ask for a new feature, but it's likely to just be tagged and left without a satisfying response. Thanks for your interest anyway!

I get ConfigurationError: The configuration file contains invalid JSON when starting the bot for the first time

Please make sure your config.json file is valid JSON. Remove your token from the config file, and then validate the file's contents in a JSON validator, such as, to find out what's wrong.

A common error is trailing commas in objects or arrays: in JSON, the last element of an object or an array must not be followed by a comma.

The bot ignores server-specific nicknames, always using the underlying account's username

This seems to be an issue with old versions of the bot (e.g. 2.6.1) – please upgrade to a newer version and see if it persists! New releases can be found in GitHub's releases page. Note: Please perform a clean install, ensuring you uninstall all old versions of the bot to prevent any conflicts.