Pure js library for adding frames to images.
Demo: http://frames.da4.info/
Add frames.js tag before your custom scrtipts. Add images of frame parts into your project.
<script type="text/javascript" src="./assets/js/frames.js"></script>
Initialize frames in your script. Accepts object with settings for frames
new Frame({
wrapperId: 'canvas-wrapper',
uploadElementId: 'input',
downloadId: 'download',
imagesPath: 'assets/img/',
imagesFormat: 'png',
isBgHidden: true,
classForSize: 'btn-size-change',
frameTypeClass: 'btn-type-change',
viewOptionClass: 'btn-view-change',
defaultView: 'view-normal',
defaultColor: 'blackClassic'
- wrapperId: string - String, ID of wrapper element, canvas will be created inside it
- uploadElementId - String, ID of upload input
- downloadId - String, After clicking this element framed image will be downloaded
- imagesPath - String, path to images with borders in your project
- imagesFormat - String, Type of images
- isBgHidden - Boolean, if false white background of canvas will be shown
- classForSize - String, this elements must contain data-size attribute
- data-size="small1" - 20x30
- data-size="small2" - 28x42
- data-size="big1" - 60x90
- frameTypeClass - String, this elements must contain data-styles attribute
- data-styles="blackClassic"
- data-styles="whiteClassic"
- data-styles="blackAmerican"
- data-styles="whiteAmerican"
- viewOptionClass - String, this elements must contain data-class attribute
- data-class="view-big"
- data-class="view-small"
- defaultView - String, default view which will be shown first
- defaultColor String, default frame type which will be shown first