- c4984d2 build(deps): update akavache requirement from 8.* to 9.* in /src (#278) @dependabot[bot]
- 8cae239 build(deps): bump Verify.Xunit from 17.1.4 to 17.1.6 in /src (#279) @dependabot[bot]
- 2767bbc build(deps): bump Nerdbank.GitVersioning from 3.5.107 to 3.5.109 in /src (#284) @dependabot[bot]
- 6d6d49e build(deps): bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.2.0 to 17.3.1 in /src (#283) @dependabot[bot]
- 949ca22 build(deps): bump xunit from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 in /src (#285) @dependabot[bot]
- 1981efd build(deps): bump xunit.runner.console from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 in /src (#286) @dependabot[bot]
- 354e5f1 build(deps): bump Nerdbank.GitVersioning from 3.5.109 to 3.5.113 in /src (#288) @dependabot[bot]
- 4e7f392 build(deps): bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.3.1 to 17.3.2 in /src (#287) @dependabot[bot]
- 5f9622a build(deps): bump Verify.Xunit from 17.1.6 to 17.10.2 in /src (#282) @dependabot[bot]
- 91af1f2 build(deps): bump coverlet.msbuild from 3.1.2 to 3.2.0 in /src (#289) @dependabot[bot]
- c052673 build(deps): bump Verify.Xunit from 17.10.2 to 18.2.0 in /src (#290) @dependabot[bot]
- c58481c build(deps): bump Nerdbank.GitVersioning from 3.5.113 to 3.5.119 in /src (#292) @dependabot[bot]
- 4a24db6 build(deps): bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 in /src (#293) @dependabot[bot]
- 3cac246 build(deps): bump FluentAssertions from 6.7.0 to 6.8.0 in /src (#291) @dependabot[bot]
- ac2e126 Housekeeping update packages to coincide with Splat (#294) @ChrisPulman