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Make markdown READMEs self contained for publication to sites other than GH.


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Audience: Developers Platform: Linux

🎇Features  •  🏠Installation  •  🚜Usage  •  💻CLI  •  💡Examples  •  ✅Requirements

Top language GitHub License PyPI - Version Python Version

CLI to replace ./image.png to remote URL in

Status Stable Unstable
Master Build and Test since tagged last commit
Develop Build and Test since tagged since tagged last commit


❔ What

What mdremotifier does:

Turn this (./mdremotifier/examples/

# Example markdown file

A link to a local file [](./

Into this (./mdremotifier/examples/

# Example markdown file

A link to a local file [](

This is useful for uploading files to third-party sites, like the registry, or registry, because these registries will break the local images in your README when displayed on their sites.

See, notice how all of the images are not broken.

🎇 Features

  • 📷🔗📡🌐🖼️ Replace local URLs with URLs.

🏠 Installation

# Install from pypi (
pip install mdremotifier

# Install from git (
pip install git+[email protected]

🚜 Usage

Example README: (./mdremotifier/examples/

# Example markdown file

A link to a local file [](./

Generating the README:

$ python -m mdremotifier.cli -i ./mdremotifier/examples/ --url-prefix -o - 2>/dev/null
# Example markdown file

A link to a local file [](

💻 Command Line Options

Output of `python -m mdremotifier.cli --help`

💡 Examples

✅ Requirements

  • Linux-like environment
    • Why: Uses pexpect.spawn().
  • Python 3.8+
    • Why: Some dev dependencies require Python 3.8+.

Tested Platforms

  • WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04, Python 3.8.0.
  • Ubuntu 20.04, Python 3.8.0, 3.9.0, 3.10.0, 3.11.0, 3.12.0, tested in GitHub Actions workflow (build-and-test.yml).

🤏 Versioning

We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

🔑 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the ./ file for details.

🙏 Thanks

Main libraries used in mdremotifier are:

🤝 Related Projects

Not complete, and not necessarily up to date. Make a PR (contributions) to insert/modify.

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Undertone0809/imarkdown 57 2024/01/06 Python Python ⭐⭐⭐
ravgeetdhillon/markdown-imgur-upload 1 2022/03/26 Python CLI ⭐⭐⭐

🫡 Contributions

Development environment: Linux-like

  • For running (Linux-like environment).

    • From ./.github/dependencies.yml, which is used for the GH Action to do a fresh install of everything:

      bash: scripts.
      findutils: scripts.
      grep: tests.
      xxd: tests.
      git: scripts, tests.
      xxhash: scripts (changeguard).
      rsync: out-of-directory test.
      expect: for `unbuffer`, useful to grab and compare ansi color symbols.
      jq: dependency for [yq](, which is used to generate
        the README; the README generator needs to use `tomlq` (which is a part of `yq`)
        to query `pyproject.toml`.
    • Requires pyenv, or an exact matching version of python as in .python-version (which is currently 3.8.0 ).

    • jq, (installation) required for yq, which is itself required for our ./ generation, which uses tomlq (from the yq package) to include version strings from ./pyproject.toml.

    • act (to run the GH Action locally):

      • Requires nodejs.
      • Requires Go.
      • docker.
    • Generate animation:

      • docker

Commit Process

  1. (Optionally) Fork the develop branch.
  2. Stage your files: git add path/to/
  3. bash ./scripts/, this will format, lint, and test the code.
  4. git status check if anything changed (generated ./ for example), if so, git add the changes, and go back to the previous step.
  5. git commit -m "...".
  6. Make a PR to develop (or push to develop if you have the rights).

🔄🚀 Release Process

These instructions are for maintainers of the project.

  1. In the develop branch, run bash ./scripts/ to ensure everything is in order.
  2. In the develop branch, bump the version in ./pyproject.toml, following semantic versioning principles. Also modify the last_unstable_release and last_stable_release in the [tool.mdremotifier-project-metadata] table as appropriate. Run bash ./scripts/ to ensure everything is in order.
  3. In the develop branch, commit these changes with a message like "Prepare release X.Y.Z". (See the contributions section above).
  4. Merge the develop branch into the master branch: git checkout master && git merge develop --no-ff.
  5. master branch: Tag the release: Create a git tag for the release with git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Version X.Y.Z".
  6. Publish to PyPI: Publish the release to PyPI with bash ./scripts/
  7. Push to GitHub: Push the commit and tags to GitHub with git push && git push --tags.
  8. The --no-ff option adds a commit to the master branch for the merge, so refork the develop branch from the master branch: git checkout develop && git merge master.
  9. Push the develop branch to GitHub: git push origin develop.


Make markdown READMEs self contained for publication to sites other than GH.






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