Welcome to the Steel Serpents' First Tech Challenge TeamCode for the 2016-2017 competition.
In the Git Shell download the lastest code from FIRST
git clone https://github.com/ftctechnh/ftc_app.git
Enter the newly downloaded directory with cd ftc_app
Download our latest FTCVision code.
git submodule init
git submodule add https://github.com/SteelSerpents/FTCVision ftc-vision
Open FtcRobotController/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
and add the following line somewhere in the 'application' section.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" android:required="true" />
At the bottom of the settings.gradle
file add the following lines
include ':opencv-java'
include ':ftc-visionlib'
include ':ftc-cameratest'
project(':opencv-java').projectDir = new File('ftc-vision/opencv-java')
project(':ftc-visionlib').projectDir = new File('ftc-vision/ftc-visionlib')
project(':ftc-cameratest').projectDir = new File('ftc-vision/ftc-cameratest')
And finally download this team code by going into TeamCode\src\main\java\org\firstinspires\ftc\teamcode
and cloning this project.
cd TeamCode\src\main\java\org\firstinspires\ftc\teamcode
git clone https://github.com/SteelSerpents/TeamCode.git
Since our code is now broken up into 3 parts, ftc_app
, ftc-vision
, and TeamCode
we can now update these three independently of each other.
To update ftc_app simply navigate to the ftc_app
folder and type
git stash
git pull
git stash pop
This will stash
our local changes, download the latest changes from ftc, and pop
our local changes back onto the code from ftc.
To update the vision code navigate to the ftc-vision folder and type
git pull
To update our team code (which you will probably do most frequently) navigate to our team code directory. From the ftc_app directory type
cd .\TeamCode\src\main\java\org\firstinspires\ftc\teamcode\
git pull
You may encounter an error about local changes. It's saying that you've made changes to your code on your computer that git doesn't want to overwrite. If you don't care about these changes and just want to download the latest team code just type
git stash
git pull
This will stash
all changes on your machine. If you want those changes back you can type git stash pop
to apply those changes onto the code after you've updated it.