Atomic Runner bug Fixes, Execution Logger Options Added
Add option to suppress printing of atomics folder to screen
Tab completion of technique numbers
Option to log execution details to Windows event log
Don't erase the src and bin directories when using NoPayloads option
Add timestamp to execution log filename
Atomic Runner: Allow atomic runner schedule file name to be configurable
Atomic Runner: Skip renaming computer if it isn't changing (if you only have one atomic test on your schedule for example)
Update execution loggers to detect IP address of host
Update Install-AtomicsFolder to support PowerShell 7.2+
Add check for stdout or stderr being NUL to avoid error message
Atomic Runner: Fix bug in Invoke-AtomicRunner where atomics were being executed twice
Atomic Runner: Setup atomic runner script now adds needed file permission on macOS/Linux
Warn if no atomics found for executionPlatform
Handle case where remote session is null and causes process to hang
You can’t perform that action at this time.