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Custom Buttons

Geoff Cox edited this page Jul 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

By default, there are edit and delete buttons displayed next to each item in a CollectionField:

Default Buttons

Sometimes, you'll want to customize these buttons by adding new buttons, changing the button icons, etc... For example, let's add a Send button that will redirect the user to another page specific to the item. And, let's change the icon of the delete button.

Custom Buttons

We accomplish this by defining a buttonsFactory and then wiring up listeners for each button, preserving the edit and delete functionality:

  component: 'CollectionField',
  name: 'collectionField',
  label: 'Records',
  help: 'Example help',
  required: true,
  formFactory: {
    component: 'Factory',
    product: {
      component: 'Form',
      fields: [
          name: 'firstName',
          component: 'TextField',
          label: 'First Name',
          required: true,
          name: 'lastName',
          component: 'TextField',
          label: 'Last Name',

  buttonsFactory: {
    component: 'Factory',
    product: {
      component: 'GridItem',
      content: {
        component: 'Fragment',
        items: [
            name: 'edit',
            component: 'ButtonField',
            icon: 'Edit',
            tooltip: 'Edit',
            listeners: [
                event: 'click',
                actions: [
                    component: 'Set',
                    name: 'parent.parent.parent.parent',
                    value: {
                      currentForm: '{{parent.parent.parent}}',
                      mode: 'update',

            name: 'delete',
            component: 'ButtonField',
            icon: 'DeleteOutline',
            tooltip: 'delete',
            listeners: [
                event: 'click',
                actions: [
                    component: 'Set',
                    name: 'parent.parent.parent.parent',
                    value: {
                      currentForm: '{{parent.parent.parent}}',
                      mode: 'delete',

            name: 'send',
            component: 'ButtonField',
            icon: 'Send',
            tooltip: 'Send',
            listeners: [
                event: 'click',
                actions: [
                    component: 'Redirect',
                    path: '/foo/{{}}'