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fix settings not merged (#47) #30

fix settings not merged (#47)

fix settings not merged (#47) #30

Workflow file for this run

name: Run Test Playbooks Minikube
on: [push]
name: Deploy Tower to Minikube and run tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: "Install dependencies"
run: pip install -r .github/requirements.txt
- name: Setup Minikube
uses: manusa/[email protected]
minikube version: 'v1.21.0'
kubernetes version: 'v1.20.7'
start args: '--addons=ingress'
- name: Sleep for 20 seconds
run: sleep 20s
shell: bash
- name: Setup awx operator
run: |
minikube kubectl create secret generic awx-admin-password -- --from-literal=password=password
minikube addons enable ingress
alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"
- name: kustomize awx operator
working-directory: .github/workflow-config
run: kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
- name: Sleep for 30 seconds
run: sleep 30s
shell: bash
- name: kustomize awx
working-directory: .github/workflow-config/kube
run: kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
- name: Sleep for 30 seconds
run: sleep 30s
shell: bash
- name: Check service URL
uses: nick-invision/retry@v2
timeout_minutes: 10
max_attempts: 25
retry_wait_seconds: 30
command: minikube service awx-service --url
- name: minikube kubectl get pods
run: minikube kubectl get pods
- name: Set service url
run: echo 'SERVICEURL=$(minikube service awx-service --url)' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
id: service-url
- name: Display service url
run: echo "Service URL is ${{ steps.service-url.outputs.SERVICEURL }}"
- name: Display Versions
run: which python && pip --version && ansible --version
- name: Add cloud/galaxy tokens
run: echo -e "${{ secrets.galaxy_token }}" >> ansible.cfg
- name: Fixing orgs
run: echo -e "${{ secrets.fix_orgs }}" > group_vars/all/organizations.yml
# Doesn't appear to be working at this moment
- name: Fix cloud cred
run: sed -i "s/url\:\ \"https\:\/\/{{ ah_host }}\/api\/galaxy\/content\/rh-certified\/\"/url\:\ https\:\/\/console\.redhat\.com\/api\/automation-hub\/content\/5910538-synclist\//g" group_vars/all/credentials.yml
# Doesn't appear to be working at this moment
- name: Fix cloud cred token
run: sed -i "s/{{ ah_token }}/${{ secrets.cloud_token }}/g" group_vars/all/credentials.yml
- name: Verify fixes
run: cat group_vars/all/organizations.yml; cat group_vars/all/credentials.yml
- name: "Install Galaxy dependencies"
run: ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections/requirements.yml
- name: Sleep for 300 seconds
run: sleep 300s
shell: bash
- name: "Perform playbook tests"
run: ansible-playbook playbooks/controller_config.yml -i inventory_ci.yml -l dev -e controller_host=${{ steps.service-url.outputs.SERVICEURL }} -e controller_pass=password -e validate_certs=false -e ah_token=skip