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Enums Operations

Tobias Lenz edited this page Dec 8, 2017 · 5 revisions
Operation Name ID HEX
Unused 0 (0x0 )
Ping 1 (0x1 )
Join 2 (0x2 )
CreateAccount 3 (0x3 )
Login 4 (0x4 )
SendCrashLog 5 (0x5 )
CreateCharacter 6 (0x6 )
DeleteCharacter 7 (0x7 )
SelectCharacter 8 (0x8 )
RedeemKeycode 9 (0x9 )
GetGameServerByCluster 10 (0xA )
GetSubscriptionDetails 11 (0xB )
GetActiveSubscription 12 (0xC )
GetSubscriptionUrl 13 (0xD )
GetBuyTrialDetails 14 (0xE )
GetReferralSeasonDetails 15 (0xF )
GetAvailableTrialKeys 16 (0x10 )
Move 17 (0x11 )
AttackStart 18 (0x12 )
CastStart 19 (0x13 )
CastCancel 20 (0x14 )
TerminateToggleSpell 21 (0x15 )
ChannelingCancel 22 (0x16 )
AttackBuildingStart 23 (0x17 )
InventoryDestroyItem 24 (0x18 )
InventoryMoveItem 25 (0x19 )
InventorySplitStack 26 (0x1A )
ChangeCluster 27 (0x1B )
ConsoleCommand 28 (0x1C )
ChatMessage 29 (0x1D )
ReportClientError 30 (0x1E )
RegisterToObject 31 (0x1F )
UnRegisterFromObject 32 (0x20 )
CraftBuildingChangeSettings 33 (0x21 )
CraftBuildingTakeMoney 34 (0x22 )
RepairBuildingChangeSettings 35 (0x23 )
RepairBuildingTakeMoney 36 (0x24 )
ActionBuildingChangeSettings 37 (0x25 )
HarvestStart 38 (0x26 )
HarvestCancel 39 (0x27 )
TakeSilver 40 (0x28 )
ActionOnBuildingStart 41 (0x29 )
ActionOnBuildingCancel 42 (0x2A )
ItemRerollQualityStart 43 (0x2B )
ItemRerollQualityCancel 44 (0x2C )
InstallResourceStart 45 (0x2D )
InstallResourceCancel 46 (0x2E )
InstallSilver 47 (0x2F )
BuildingFillNutrition 48 (0x30 )
BuildingChangeRenovationState 49 (0x31 )
BuildingBuySkin 50 (0x32 )
BuildingClaim 51 (0x33 )
BuildingGiveup 52 (0x34 )
BuildingNutritionSilverStorageDeposit 53 (0x35 )
BuildingNutritionSilverStorageWithdraw 54 (0x36 )
BuildingNutritionSilverRewardSet 55 (0x37 )
ConstructionSiteCreate 56 (0x38 )
PlaceableItemPlace 57 (0x39 )
PlaceableItemPlaceCancel 58 (0x3A )
PlaceableObjectPickup 59 (0x3B )
FurnitureObjectUse 60 (0x3C )
FarmableHarvest 61 (0x3D )
FarmableFinishGrownItem 62 (0x3E )
FarmableDestroy 63 (0x3F )
FarmableGetProduct 64 (0x40 )
FarmableFill 65 (0x41 )
LaborerObjectPlace 66 (0x42 )
LaborerObjectPlaceCancel 67 (0x43 )
CastleGateUse 68 (0x44 )
AuctionCreateOffer 69 (0x45 )
AuctionCreateRequest 70 (0x46 )
AuctionGetOffers 71 (0x47 )
AuctionGetRequests 72 (0x48 )
AuctionBuyOffer 73 (0x49 )
AuctionAbortAuction 74 (0x4A )
AuctionAbortOffer 75 (0x4B )
AuctionAbortRequest 76 (0x4C )
AuctionSellRequest 77 (0x4D )
AuctionGetFinishedAuctions 78 (0x4E )
AuctionFetchAuction 79 (0x4F )
AuctionGetMyOpenOffers 80 (0x50 )
AuctionGetMyOpenRequests 81 (0x51 )
AuctionGetMyOpenAuctions 82 (0x52 )
AuctionGetItemsAverage 83 (0x53 )
ContainerOpen 84 (0x54 )
ContainerClose 85 (0x55 )
Respawn 86 (0x56 )
Suicide 87 (0x57 )
JoinGuild 88 (0x58 )
LeaveGuild 89 (0x59 )
CreateGuild 90 (0x5A )
InviteToGuild 91 (0x5B )
DeclineGuildInvitation 92 (0x5C )
KickFromGuild 93 (0x5D )
DuellingChallengePlayer 94 (0x5E )
DuellingAcceptChallenge 95 (0x5F )
DuellingDenyChallenge 96 (0x60 )
ChangeClusterTax 97 (0x61 )
ClaimTerritory 98 (0x62 )
GiveUpTerritory 99 (0x63 )
ChangeTerritoryAccessRights 100 (0x64 )
GetMonolithInfo 101 (0x65 )
GetClaimInfo 102 (0x66 )
GetAttackInfo 103 (0x67 )
GetTerritorySeasonPoints 104 (0x68 )
GetAttackSchedule 105 (0x69 )
ScheduleAttack 106 (0x6A )
GetMatches 107 (0x6B )
GetMatchDetails 108 (0x6C )
JoinMatch 109 (0x6D )
LeaveMatch 110 (0x6E )
ChangeChatSettings 111 (0x6F )
LogoutStart 112 (0x70 )
LogoutCancel 113 (0x71 )
ClaimOrbStart 114 (0x72 )
ClaimOrbCancel 115 (0x73 )
OpenBattleVault 116 (0x74 )
CloseBattleVault 117 (0x75 )
DepositToGuildAccount 118 (0x76 )
WithdrawalFromAccount 119 (0x77 )
ChangeGuildPayUpkeepFlag 120 (0x78 )
ChangeGuildTax 121 (0x79 )
GetMyTerritories 122 (0x7A )
MorganaCommand 123 (0x7B )
GetServerInfo 124 (0x7C )
InviteMercenaryToMatch 125 (0x7D )
SubscribeToCluster 126 (0x7E )
AnswerMercenaryInvitation 127 (0x7F )
GetCharacterEquipment 128 (0x80 )
GetCharacterStats 129 (0x81 )
GetKillHistoryDetails 130 (0x82 )
LearnMasteryLevel 131 (0x83 )
ChangeAvatar 132 (0x84 )
PromotePlayer 133 (0x85 )
DemotePlayer 134 (0x86 )
GetRankings 135 (0x87 )
GetRank 136 (0x88 )
GetGvgSeasonRankings 137 (0x89 )
GetGvgSeasonRank 138 (0x8A )
GetGvgSeasonHistoryRankings 139 (0x8B )
KickFromGvGMatch 140 (0x8C )
InviteToPlayerTrade 141 (0x8D )
PlayerTradeCancel 142 (0x8E )
PlayerTradeInvitationAccept 143 (0x8F )
PlayerTradeAddItem 144 (0x90 )
PlayerTradeRemoveItem 145 (0x91 )
PlayerTradeAcceptTrade 146 (0x92 )
PlayerTradeSetSilverOrGold 147 (0x93 )
SendMiniMapPing 148 (0x94 )
Stuck 149 (0x95 )
BuyRealEstate 150 (0x96 )
ClaimRealEstate 151 (0x97 )
GiveUpRealEstate 152 (0x98 )
ChangeRealEstateOutline 153 (0x99 )
GetMailInfos 154 (0x9A )
ReadMail 155 (0x9B )
SendNewMail 156 (0x9C )
DeleteMail 157 (0x9D )
ClaimAttachmentFromMail 158 (0x9E )
UpdateLfgInfo 159 (0x9F )
GetLfgInfos 160 (0xA0 )
GetMyGuildLfgInfo 161 (0xA1 )
GetLfgDescriptionText 162 (0xA2 )
LfgApplyToGuild 163 (0xA3 )
AnswerLfgGuildApplication 164 (0xA4 )
GetClusterInfo 165 (0xA5 )
RegisterChatPeer 166 (0xA6 )
SendChatMessage 167 (0xA7 )
JoinChatChannel 168 (0xA8 )
LeaveChatChannel 169 (0xA9 )
SendWhisperMessage 170 (0xAA )
Say 171 (0xAB )
PlayEmote 172 (0xAC )
StopEmote 173 (0xAD )
GetClusterMapInfo 174 (0xAE )
AccessRightsChangeSettings 175 (0xAF )
Mount 176 (0xB0 )
MountCancel 177 (0xB1 )
BuyJourney 178 (0xB2 )
SetSaleStatusForEstate 179 (0xB3 )
ResolveGuildOrPlayerName 180 (0xB4 )
GetRespawnInfos 181 (0xB5 )
MakeHome 182 (0xB6 )
LeaveHome 183 (0xB7 )
ResurrectionReply 184 (0xB8 )
AllianceCreate 185 (0xB9 )
AllianceDisband 186 (0xBA )
AllianceGetMemberInfos 187 (0xBB )
AllianceInvite 188 (0xBC )
AllianceAnswerInvitation 189 (0xBD )
AllianceCancelInvitation 190 (0xBE )
AllianceKickGuild 191 (0xBF )
AllianceLeave 192 (0xC0 )
AllianceChangeGoldPaymentFlag 193 (0xC1 )
AllianceGetDetailInfo 194 (0xC2 )
GetIslandInfos 195 (0xC3 )
AbandonMyIsland 196 (0xC4 )
BuyMyIsland 197 (0xC5 )
BuyGuildIsland 198 (0xC6 )
AbandonGuildIsland 199 (0xC7 )
UpgradeMyIsland 200 (0xC8 )
UpgradeGuildIsland 201 (0xC9 )
MonolithBankOpen 202 (0xCA )
MonolithBankClose 203 (0xCB )
TerritoryFillNutrition 204 (0xCC )
TeleportBack 205 (0xCD )
PartyInvitePlayer 206 (0xCE )
PartyAnswerInvitation 207 (0xCF )
PartyLeave 208 (0xD0 )
PartyKickPlayer 209 (0xD1 )
PartyMakeLeader 210 (0xD2 )
PartyChangeLootSetting 211 (0xD3 )
GetGuildMOTD 212 (0xD4 )
SetGuildMOTD 213 (0xD5 )
ExitEnterStart 214 (0xD6 )
ExitEnterCancel 215 (0xD7 )
AgentRequest 216 (0xD8 )
GoldMarketGetBuyOffer 217 (0xD9 )
GoldMarketGetBuyOfferFromSilver 218 (0xDA )
GoldMarketGetSellOffer 219 (0xDB )
GoldMarketGetSellOfferFromSilver 220 (0xDC )
GoldMarketBuyGold 221 (0xDD )
GoldMarketSellGold 222 (0xDE )
GoldMarketCreateSellOrder 223 (0xDF )
GoldMarketCreateBuyOrder 224 (0xE0 )
GoldMarketGetInfos 225 (0xE1 )
GoldMarketCancelOrder 226 (0xE2 )
GoldMarketGetAverageInfo 227 (0xE3 )
SiegeCampClaimStart 228 (0xE4 )
SiegeCampClaimCancel 229 (0xE5 )
SiegeCampBankOpen 230 (0xE6 )
SiegeCampBankClose 231 (0xE7 )
ChangeUseCraftingFocus 232 (0xE8 )
TreasureChestUsingStart 233 (0xE9 )
TreasureChestUsingCancel 234 (0xEA )
LaborerStartJob 235 (0xEB )
LaborerTakeJobLoot 236 (0xEC )
LaborerDismiss 237 (0xED )
LaborerMove 238 (0xEE )
LaborerBuyItem 239 (0xEF )
LaborerUpgrade 240 (0xF0 )
BuyPremium 241 (0xF1 )
BuyTrial 242 (0xF2 )
RealEstateGetAuctionData 243 (0xF3 )
RealEstateBidOnAuction 244 (0xF4 )
GetSiegeCampCooldown 245 (0xF5 )
FriendInvite 246 (0xF6 )
FriendAnswerInvitation 247 (0xF7 )
FriendCancelnvitation 248 (0xF8 )
FriendRemove 249 (0xF9 )
InventoryStack 250 (0xFA )
InventorySort 251 (0xFB )
EquipmentItemChangeSpell 252 (0xFC )
ExpeditionRegister 253 (0xFD )
ExpeditionRegisterCancel 254 (0xFE )
JoinExpedition 255 (0xFF )
DeclineExpeditionInvitation 256 (0x100)
VoteStart 257 (0x101)
VoteDoVote 258 (0x102)
RatingDoRate 259 (0x103)
EnteringExpeditionStart 260 (0x104)
EnteringExpeditionCancel 261 (0x105)
ActivateExpeditionCheckPoint 262 (0x106)
ArenaRegister 263 (0x107)
ArenaRegisterCancel 264 (0x108)
ArenaLeave 265 (0x109)
JoinArenaMatch 266 (0x10A)
DeclineArenaInvitation 267 (0x10B)
EnteringArenaStart 268 (0x10C)
EnteringArenaCancel 269 (0x10D)
UpdateCharacterStatement 270 (0x10E)
BoostFarmable 271 (0x10F)
GetStrikeHistory 272 (0x110)
UseFunction 273 (0x111)
UsePortalEntrance 274 (0x112)
QueryPortalBinding 275 (0x113)
ClaimPaymentTransaction 276 (0x114)
ChangeUseAutoLP 277 (0x115)
ClientPerformanceStats 278 (0x116)
ExtendedHardwareStats 279 (0x117)
TerritoryClaimStart 280 (0x118)
TerritoryClaimCancel 281 (0x119)
RequestAppStoreProducts 282 (0x11A)
VerifyProductPurchase 283 (0x11B)
QueryGuildPlayerStats 284 (0x11C)
TrackAchievements 285 (0x11D)
DepositItemToGuildToken 286 (0x11E)
WithdrawalItemFromGuildToken 287 (0x11F)