This package adds a sticky REPL mode to allow direct interaction with an inferior Octave process.
julia> using OctaveREPL
REPL mode Octave mode initialized. Press , to enter and backspace to exit.
julia> # Now type ',' to enter Octave REPL mode
octave> whos
Variables visible from the current scope:
variables in scope: top scope
Attr Name Size Bytes Class
==== ==== ==== ===== =====
ans 1x1 12 cell
Total is 1 element using 12 bytes
octave> # Now type <backspace> or <delete> to return to Julia REPL
A string macro is provided to allow execution of abritrary octave code
# The inferior Octave prints its result to stdout by default
# while Julia also prints the return result to stdout
julia> oct"atan(0.5)"
ans = 0.4636
# Suppress Julia result printout
julia> oct"atan(0.5)";
ans = 0.4636
# Suppress Octave result printout
julia> oct"atan(0.5);"
# Suppress both printouts and save the return value in a Julia variable
julia> a = oct"atan(0.5);";
julia> a
To install, simply do
julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("")