"fuxtick" is a program which you can use to download some of the most popular tools for Termux and Kali Linux. It contains repositories which can be used for many different purposes, from tracing IP addresses to generating password lists.
Be sure to use this program as well as the repositories within responsibly, ethically, and most importantly, legally.
apt update
apt install git -y
git clone https://github.com/relaxedturtle/fuxtick
cd fuxtick
bash fuxtick.sh
It's that easy!
(example of "fuxtick" running on Kali Linux)
It is highly reccomended that users move the "fuxtick.sh" file out of its directory once it is installed. This will ensure that the repositories you choose to download are installed into the home folder, and not into the fuxtick directory, making them significantly easier to access. You can do this using the following guide:
Usage of the repositories contained within "fuxtick" for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. The application of "fuxtick" and the repositories within is the full responsibility of the user. "relaxedturtle" assumes no liability and is not responsible for any potential misuse of this program.
IP-Tracer (by rajkumardusad): https://github.com/rajkumardusad/IP-Tracer
Zphisher (by htr-tech): https://github.com/htr-tech/zphisher
Facad1ng (by spyboy-productions): https://github.com/spyboy-productions/Facad1ng
maskphish (by jaykali): https://github.com/jaykali/maskphish
ipdrone (by noob-hackers): https://github.com/noob-hackers/ipdrone
infect (by noob-hackers): https://github.com/noob-hackers/infect
termux-desktop (by adi1090x): https://github.com/adi1090x/termux-desktop
Free-Proxy (by mishakorzik): https://github.com/mishakorzik/Free-Proxy
cupp (by Mebus): https://github.com/Mebus/cupp
Seeker (by thewhiteh4t): https://github.com/thewhiteh4t/seeker
SocialBox (by Belahsan Ouerghi): https://github.com/samsesh/SocialBox
SocialBox-Termux (by Belahsan Ouerghi): https://github.com/samsesh/SocialBox-Termux
Aircrack-ng (by Aircrack-ng): https://github.com/aircrack-ng/aircrack-ng
Setoolkit (by trustedsec): https://github.com/trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit
Wifite (by derv82): https://github.com/derv82/wifite