Yo dawg, I heard you like automation, so I automated your automation so you can autopilot while you autopilot!
Rails 3 projects with every fiddly bit convened rather than configured. Includes:
- RSpec 2 with Relevance config niceties
- Factory Girl
- Mocha configured for mocking
- Capistrano deploy recipes
- A VM deployment target under provision
For new projects:
$ gem install relevance_rails
$ relevance_rails new <your new project>
For existing projects, please note we only support Rails 3.2 and higher! To add to an existing project, first add to your Gemfile:
group :development, :test do
gem 'relevance_rails'
Currently both Ruby 1.9.x and REE 1.8.7 are supported. relevance_rails configures your Rails app (and Chef provisioning scripts) to require the version of Ruby you used to invoke the relevance_rails executable. If relevance_rails is run in a non-rvm environment, all installation occurs in the current gem environment. If in rvm, the app is installed into its own rvm gemset.
Currently both MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported. By default relevance_rails configures
your Rails app (and Chef provisioning scripts) to use MySQL. However, if you use the
standard --database=postgresql
Rails option, relevance_rails will use PostgreSQL.
When QAing or doing local development of this gem, the gem must be built locally and creating an app needs an additional flag.
$ gem build relevance_rails.gemspec && gem install relevance_rails-VERSION.gem
$ relevance_rails new APP --relevance-dev
Currently we only support Ruby 1.9.x, REE 1.8.7, Rails 3.2, MySQL, and PostgreSQL installed on Ubuntu.
Fork, do your work, and issue a pull request.
Open a github issue and I'll look at it next Friday.