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rem5 edited this page Dec 15, 2016 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the opensignmap wiki!


An OpenSign is a road sign located one or multiple times in the real World. It represents the entire sign so it has two informations: the structure and the sign(s) set on it.

A road sign can be the original version of standard sign defined by the country where it is. But it can also be a unique sign such as directional signs on highway, description of exits of a roundabout, the name of a town,...

What can I find here ?

  • First, define a human-readable data structure of what is an OpenSign. Do we represent a 2D or 3D sign ?
  • Second, a tool to generate and draw a sign in order to have a nice and clean sign version.

Why do that ?

What do you think about draw them in 3D on an open source map, improve open source GPS navigation, or in a car simulator game more realistic ?

How does it work ?


Standard signs will be SVG files stored by country. Maybe with another text file (JSON/XML like) to add informations about editable SVG texts, constraints on specific shapes.

The OpenSign is a group of standard signs (modified or not) with custom location and custom size.


The editor can use fabricjs that can edit text and export it as SVG, look at editable text in SVG in a webpage Via a webpage (canvas/fabricjs ?).

Integration with Openstreetmap ?

The OpenSign has a unique ID. This ID will be used as node attribute in OpenStreetMap. The OpenSign in OpenStreetMap could be a vector: one node for the reference location (with the ID attribute) and the second node just here to give thanks the vector the direction the sign face to.

How encode all the signs of the World ?

With the same technic used for OpenStreetMap, or helped with methods such as OpenCV sign recognition. Many researches on that. We can imagine a bundle raspberrypi/webcam/gps/opencv but this is off topic.

OK, How can I help ?

Inspired ? 😄 I think in a first time, giving ideas of implementations (maybe existing norm to follow ?), and ideas of how to create, edit and generate a custom sign. Or everything you want !

Status of the project ?

It's just the beginning !!! 🚧

status = brainstorming