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Lean: add support for register definitions (#894)
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* New monad definition
* Registers in the state monad

Co-authored-by: Jakob von Raumer <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
lfrenot and javra authored Jan 27, 2025
1 parent 04231df commit 68c1009
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Showing 6 changed files with 255 additions and 39 deletions.
49 changes: 37 additions & 12 deletions src/sail_lean_backend/Sail/Sail.lean
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@@ -1,7 +1,42 @@
import Std.Data.DHashMap
namespace Sail

/- Placeholder for a future implementation of the state monad some Sail functions use. -/
abbrev SailM := StateM Unit
section Regs

variable {Register : Type} {RegisterType : Register → Type} [DecidableEq Register] [Hashable Register]

/- The Units are placeholders for a future implementation of the state monad some Sail functions use. -/
abbrev Error := Unit

structure SequentialState (RegisterType : Register → Type) where
regs : Std.DHashMap Register RegisterType
mem : Unit
tags : Unit

inductive RegisterRef (RegisterType : Register → Type) : TypeType where
| Reg (r : Register) : RegisterRef _ (RegisterType r)

abbrev PreSailM (RegisterType : Register → Type) :=
EStateM Error (SequentialState RegisterType)

def writeReg (r : Register) (v : RegisterType r) : PreSailM RegisterType Unit :=
modify fun s => { s with regs := s.regs.insert r v }

def readReg (r : Register) : PreSailM RegisterType (RegisterType r) := do
let .some s := (← get).regs.get? r
| throw ()
pure s

def readRegRef (reg_ref : @RegisterRef Register RegisterType α) : PreSailM RegisterType α := do
match reg_ref with | .Reg r => readReg r

def writeRegRef (reg_ref : @RegisterRef Register RegisterType α) (a : α) :
PreSailM RegisterType Unit := do
match reg_ref with | .Reg r => writeReg r a

def reg_deref (reg_ref : @RegisterRef Register RegisterType α) := readRegRef reg_ref

end Regs

namespace BitVec

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,13 +67,3 @@ def updateSubrange {w : Nat} (x : BitVec w) (hi lo : Nat) (y : BitVec (hi - lo +

end BitVec
end Sail

structure RegisterRef (regstate regval a : Type) where
name : String
read_from : regstate -> a
write_to : a -> regstate -> regstate
of_regval : regval -> Option a
regval_of : a -> regval

def undefined_bitvector (w : Nat) : BitVec w :=
148 changes: 135 additions & 13 deletions src/sail_lean_backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,8 +152,7 @@ let rec doc_typ ctx (Typ_aux (t, _) as typ) =
parens (string "BitVec " ^^ doc_nexp ctx m)
| Typ_app (Id_aux (Id "atom", _), [A_aux (A_nexp x, _)]) -> if provably_nneg ctx x then string "Nat" else string "Int"
| Typ_app (Id_aux (Id "register", _), t_app) ->
string "RegisterRef Unit Unit "
(* TODO: Replace units with real types. *) ^^ separate_map comma (doc_typ_app ctx) t_app
string "RegisterRef RegisterType " ^^ separate_map comma (doc_typ_app ctx) t_app
| Typ_app (Id_aux (Id "implicit", _), [A_aux (A_nexp (Nexp_aux (Nexp_var ki, _)), _)]) ->
underscore (* TODO check if the type of implicit arguments can really be always inferred *)
| Typ_tuple ts -> parens (separate_map (space ^^ string "×" ^^ space) (doc_typ ctx) ts)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,6 +272,61 @@ let string_of_exp_con (E_aux (e, _)) =
| E_vector _ -> "E_vector"
| E_let _ -> "E_let"

let string_of_pat_con (P_aux (p, _)) =
match p with
| P_app _ -> "P_app"
| P_wild -> "P_wild"
| P_lit _ -> "P_lit"
| P_or _ -> "P_or"
| P_not _ -> "P_not"
| P_as _ -> "P_as"
| P_typ _ -> "P_typ"
| P_id _ -> "P_id"
| P_var _ -> "P_var"
| P_vector _ -> "P_vector"
| P_vector_concat _ -> "P_vector_concat"
| P_vector_subrange _ -> "P_vector_subrange"
| P_tuple _ -> "P_tuple"
| P_list _ -> "P_list"
| P_cons _ -> "P_cons"
| P_string_append _ -> "P_string_append"
| P_struct _ -> "P_struct"

let rec doc_pat ctxt apat_needed (P_aux (p, (l, annot)) as pat) =
let env = env_of_annot (l, annot) in
let typ = Env.expand_synonyms env (typ_of_annot (l, annot)) in
match p with
| P_typ (ptyp, p) ->
let doc_p = doc_pat ctxt true p in
| P_id id -> doc_id_ctor id
| P_wild -> underscore
| _ -> failwith ("Pattern " ^ string_of_pat_con pat ^ " " ^ string_of_pat pat ^ " not translatable yet.")

(* Copied from the Coq PP *)
let rebind_cast_pattern_vars pat typ exp =
let rec aux pat typ =
match (pat, typ) with
| P_aux (P_typ (target_typ, P_aux (P_id id, (l, ann))), _), source_typ when not (is_enum (env_of exp) id) ->
if target_typ source_typ == 0 then []
else (
let l = Parse_ast.Generated l in
let cast_annot = Type_check.replace_typ source_typ ann in
let e_annot = Type_check.mk_tannot (env_of exp) source_typ in
[LB_aux (LB_val (pat, E_aux (E_id id, (l, e_annot))), (l, ann))]
| P_aux (P_tuple pats, _), Typ_aux (Typ_tuple typs, _) -> List.concat (List.map2 aux pats typs)
| _ -> []
let add_lb (E_aux (_, ann) as exp) lb = E_aux (E_let (lb, exp), ann) in
(* Don't introduce new bindings at the top-level, we'd just go into a loop. *)
let lbs =
match (pat, typ) with
| P_aux (P_tuple pats, _), Typ_aux (Typ_tuple typs, _) -> List.concat (List.map2 aux pats typs)
| _ -> []
List.fold_left add_lb exp lbs

let wrap_with_pure (needs_return : bool) (d : document) =
if needs_return then parens (nest 2 (flow space [string "pure"; d])) else d

Expand All @@ -291,16 +345,30 @@ let rec doc_exp (as_monadic : bool) ctx (E_aux (e, (l, annot)) as full_exp) =
match e with
| E_id id ->
(* TODO replace by a translating via a binding map *)
wrap_with_pure as_monadic (string (string_of_id id))
if Env.is_register id env then string "readReg " ^^ doc_id_ctor id
else wrap_with_pure as_monadic (string (string_of_id id))
| E_lit l -> wrap_with_pure as_monadic (doc_lit l)
| E_app (Id_aux (Id "undefined_int", _), _) (* TODO remove when we handle imports *)
| E_app (Id_aux (Id "undefined_bit", _), _) (* TODO remove when we handle imports *)
| E_app (Id_aux (Id "undefined_bitvector", _), _) (* TODO remove when we handle imports *)
| E_app (Id_aux (Id "undefined_bool", _), _) (* TODO remove when we handle imports *)
| E_app (Id_aux (Id "undefined_nat", _), _) (* TODO remove when we handle imports *)
| E_app (Id_aux (Id "internal_pick", _), _) ->
(* TODO replace by actual implementation of internal_pick *)
string "sorry"
| E_internal_plet _ -> string "sorry" (* TODO replace by actual implementation of internal_plet *)
| E_internal_plet (pat, e1, e2) ->
let e0 = doc_pat ctx false pat in
let e1_pp = doc_exp false ctx e1 in
let e2' = rebind_cast_pattern_vars pat (typ_of e1) e2 in
let e2_pp = doc_exp false ctx e2' in
let e0_pp =
match pat with
| P_aux (P_typ (_, P_aux (P_wild, _)), _) -> string ""
| _ -> flow (break 1) [string "let"; e0; string ""] ^^ space
nest 2 (e0_pp ^^ e1_pp) ^^ hardline ^^ e2_pp
| E_app (f, args) ->
let d_id =
if Env.is_extern f env "lean" then string (Env.get_extern f env "lean")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,6 +407,12 @@ let rec doc_exp (as_monadic : bool) ctx (E_aux (e, (l, annot)) as full_exp) =
(* TODO *)
wrap_with_pure as_monadic
(braces (space ^^ doc_exp false ctx exp ^^ string " with " ^^ separate (comma ^^ space) args ^^ space))
| E_assign ((LE_aux (le_act, tannot) as le), e) -> (
match le_act with
| LE_id id | LE_typ (_, id) -> string "writeReg " ^^ doc_id_ctor id ^^ space ^^ doc_exp false ctx e
| LE_deref e' -> string "writeRegRef " ^^ doc_exp false ctx e' ^^ space ^^ doc_exp false ctx e
| _ -> failwith ("assign " ^ string_of_lexp le ^ "not implemented yet")
| _ -> failwith ("Expression " ^ string_of_exp_con full_exp ^ " " ^ string_of_exp full_exp ^ " not translatable yet.")

and doc_fexp with_arrow ctx (FE_aux (FE_fexp (field, e), _)) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,7 +478,7 @@ let doc_funcl_body (FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (id, pexp), annot)) =
let ctx = initial_context env in
let _, _, exp, _ = destruct_pexp pexp in
let is_monadic = effectful (effect_of exp) in
doc_exp is_monadic ctx exp
doc_exp is_monadic (initial_context env) exp

let doc_funcl ctx funcl =
let comment, signature, env = doc_funcl_init funcl in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,11 +523,16 @@ let doc_typdef ctx (TD_aux (td, tannot) as full_typdef) =
nest 2 (flow (break 1) [string "def"; string id; colon; string "Int"; coloneq; doc_nexp ctx ne])
| _ -> failwith ("Type definition " ^ string_of_type_def_con full_typdef ^ " not translatable yet.")

let doc_def ctx (DEF_aux (aux, def_annot) as def) =
match aux with
| DEF_fundef fdef -> group (doc_fundef ctx fdef) ^/^ hardline
| DEF_type tdef -> group (doc_typdef ctx tdef) ^/^ hardline
| _ -> empty
let rec doc_defs_aux ctx defs types fundefs =
match defs with
| [] -> (types, fundefs)
| DEF_aux (DEF_fundef fdef, _) :: defs' ->
doc_defs_aux ctx defs' types (fundefs ^^ group (doc_fundef ctx fdef) ^/^ hardline)
| DEF_aux (DEF_type tdef, _) :: defs' ->
doc_defs_aux ctx defs' (types ^^ group (doc_typdef ctx tdef) ^/^ hardline) fundefs
| _ :: defs' -> doc_defs_aux ctx defs' types fundefs

let doc_defs ctx defs = doc_defs_aux ctx defs empty empty

(* Remove all imports for now, they will be printed in other files. Probably just for testing. *)
let rec remove_imports (defs : (Libsail.Type_check.tannot, Libsail.Type_check.env) def list) depth =
Expand All @@ -463,8 +542,51 @@ let rec remove_imports (defs : (Libsail.Type_check.tannot, Libsail.Type_check.en
| DEF_aux (DEF_pragma ("include_end", _, _), _) :: ds -> remove_imports ds (depth - 1)
| d :: ds -> if depth > 0 then remove_imports ds depth else d :: remove_imports ds depth

let opt_cons v = function None -> Some [v] | Some t -> Some (v :: t)

let reg_type_name typ_id = prepend_id "register_" typ_id
let reg_case_name typ_id = prepend_id "R_" typ_id
let state_field_name typ_id = append_id typ_id "_s"
let ref_name reg = append_id reg "_ref"
let add_reg_typ env (typ_map, regs_map) (typ, id, has_init) =
let typ_id = State.id_of_regtyp IdSet.empty typ in
(Bindings.add typ_id typ typ_map, Bindings.update typ_id (opt_cons id) regs_map)

let register_enums registers =
separate hardline
string "inductive Register : Type where";
separate_map hardline (fun (_, id, _) -> string " | " ^^ doc_id_ctor id) registers;
string " deriving DecidableEq, Hashable";
string "open Register";

let type_enum ctx registers =
separate hardline
string "abbrev RegisterType : Register → Type";
separate_map hardline
(fun (typ, id, _) -> string " | ." ^^ doc_id_ctor id ^^ string " => " ^^ doc_typ ctx typ)

let doc_reg_info env registers =
let bare_ctx = initial_context env in
separate hardline
register_enums registers;
type_enum bare_ctx registers;
string "abbrev SailM := PreSailM RegisterType";

let pp_ast_lean (env : Type_check.env) ({ defs; _ } as ast : Libsail.Type_check.typed_ast) o =
let defs = remove_imports defs 0 in
let output : document = separate_map empty (doc_def (initial_context env)) defs in
print o output;
let regs = State.find_registers defs in
let register_refs = match regs with [] -> empty | _ -> doc_reg_info env regs in
let types, fundefs = doc_defs (initial_context env) defs in
print o (types ^^ register_refs ^^ fundefs);
44 changes: 30 additions & 14 deletions test/lean/bitfield.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ open Sail

def cr_type := (BitVec 8)

inductive Register : Type where
| R
deriving DecidableEq, Hashable
open Register

abbrev RegisterType : Register → Type
| .R => (BitVec 8)

abbrev SailM := PreSailM RegisterType

def undefined_cr_type (lit : Unit) : SailM (BitVec 8) := do

Expand All @@ -16,54 +26,60 @@ def _get_cr_type_bits (v : (BitVec 8)) : (BitVec 8) :=
def _update_cr_type_bits (v : (BitVec 8)) (x : (BitVec 8)) : (BitVec 8) :=
(Sail.BitVec.updateSubrange v (HSub.hSub 8 1) 0 x)

def _set_cr_type_bits (r_ref : RegisterRef Unit Unit (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 8)) : SailM Unit := do
def _set_cr_type_bits (r_ref : RegisterRef RegisterType (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 8)) : SailM Unit := do
let r ← (reg_deref r_ref)
writeRegRef r_ref (_update_cr_type_bits r v)

def _get_cr_type_CR0 (v : (BitVec 8)) : (BitVec 4) :=
(Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v 7 4)

def _update_cr_type_CR0 (v : (BitVec 8)) (x : (BitVec 4)) : (BitVec 8) :=
(Sail.BitVec.updateSubrange v 7 4 x)

def _set_cr_type_CR0 (r_ref : RegisterRef Unit Unit (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 4)) : SailM Unit := do
def _set_cr_type_CR0 (r_ref : RegisterRef RegisterType (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 4)) : SailM Unit := do
let r ← (reg_deref r_ref)
writeRegRef r_ref (_update_cr_type_CR0 r v)

def _get_cr_type_CR1 (v : (BitVec 8)) : (BitVec 2) :=
(Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v 3 2)

def _update_cr_type_CR1 (v : (BitVec 8)) (x : (BitVec 2)) : (BitVec 8) :=
(Sail.BitVec.updateSubrange v 3 2 x)

def _set_cr_type_CR1 (r_ref : RegisterRef Unit Unit (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 2)) : SailM Unit := do
def _set_cr_type_CR1 (r_ref : RegisterRef RegisterType (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 2)) : SailM Unit := do
let r ← (reg_deref r_ref)
writeRegRef r_ref (_update_cr_type_CR1 r v)

def _get_cr_type_CR3 (v : (BitVec 8)) : (BitVec 2) :=
(Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v 1 0)

def _update_cr_type_CR3 (v : (BitVec 8)) (x : (BitVec 2)) : (BitVec 8) :=
(Sail.BitVec.updateSubrange v 1 0 x)

def _set_cr_type_CR3 (r_ref : RegisterRef Unit Unit (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 2)) : SailM Unit := do
def _set_cr_type_CR3 (r_ref : RegisterRef RegisterType (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 2)) : SailM Unit := do
let r ← (reg_deref r_ref)
writeRegRef r_ref (_update_cr_type_CR3 r v)

def _get_cr_type_GT (v : (BitVec 8)) : (BitVec 1) :=
(Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v 6 6)

def _update_cr_type_GT (v : (BitVec 8)) (x : (BitVec 1)) : (BitVec 8) :=
(Sail.BitVec.updateSubrange v 6 6 x)

def _set_cr_type_GT (r_ref : RegisterRef Unit Unit (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 1)) : SailM Unit := do
def _set_cr_type_GT (r_ref : RegisterRef RegisterType (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 1)) : SailM Unit := do
let r ← (reg_deref r_ref)
writeRegRef r_ref (_update_cr_type_GT r v)

def _get_cr_type_LT (v : (BitVec 8)) : (BitVec 1) :=
(Sail.BitVec.extractLsb v 7 7)

def _update_cr_type_LT (v : (BitVec 8)) (x : (BitVec 1)) : (BitVec 8) :=
(Sail.BitVec.updateSubrange v 7 7 x)

def _set_cr_type_LT (r_ref : RegisterRef Unit Unit (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 1)) : SailM Unit := do
def _set_cr_type_LT (r_ref : RegisterRef RegisterType (BitVec 8)) (v : (BitVec 1)) : SailM Unit := do
let r ← (reg_deref r_ref)
writeRegRef r_ref (_update_cr_type_LT r v)

def initialize_registers : Unit :=
def initialize_registers : SailM Unit := do
writeReg R (undefined_cr_type ())

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/lean/bitfield.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ bitfield cr_type : bits(8) = {
CR1 : 3 .. 2,
CR3 : 1 .. 0

register R : cr_type
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions test/lean/registers.expected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import Out.Sail.Sail

open Sail

inductive Register : Type where
| R1
| R0
deriving DecidableEq, Hashable
open Register

abbrev RegisterType : Register → Type
| .BIT => (BitVec 1)
| .NAT => Nat
| .BOOL => Bool
| .INT => Int
| .R1 => (BitVec 64)
| .R0 => (BitVec 64)

abbrev SailM := PreSailM RegisterType

def test : SailM Int := do
writeReg INT (HAdd.hAdd (← readReg INT) 1)
readReg INT

def initialize_registers : SailM Unit := do
writeReg R0 sorry
writeReg R1 sorry
writeReg INT sorry
writeReg BOOL sorry
writeReg NAT sorry
writeReg BIT sorry


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