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SV: Various improvements
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Subsets of primitives can be linked with DPI-C, e.g.
just the memory functions in the library

Fix for pow2 with fixed-width integers

Allowing passing CFLAGS and LDFLAGS options to verilator

Option for linking Sail runtime with generated verilator emulator
  • Loading branch information
Alasdair committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent c706e19 commit 87d19cc
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Showing 12 changed files with 253 additions and 78 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion editors/sail-mode.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
'("val" "outcome" "function" "type" "struct" "union" "enum" "let" "var" "if" "then" "by"
"else" "match" "in" "return" "register" "ref" "forall" "operator" "effect"
"overload" "cast" "sizeof" "constant" "constraint" "default" "assert" "newtype" "from"
"pure" "monadic" "infixl" "infixr" "infix" "scattered" "end" "try" "catch" "and" "to" "private"
"pure" "impure" "monadic" "infixl" "infixr" "infix" "scattered" "end" "try" "catch" "and" "to" "private"
"throw" "clause" "as" "repeat" "until" "while" "do" "foreach" "bitfield"
"mapping" "where" "with" "implicit" "instantiation" "impl" "forwards" "backwards"))

Expand Down
36 changes: 24 additions & 12 deletions lib/sv/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module print_endline
out_sail_stdout = {in_sail_stdout, in_str, "\n"};
out_return = SAIL_UNIT;
endmodule // print_endline

function automatic bit valid_hex_bits(int n, string hex);
int len = hex.len();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,23 +72,29 @@ function automatic bit valid_hex_bits(int n, string hex);

return 1'h1;
endfunction // valid_hex_bits

function automatic string string_take(string str, int n);
return str.substr(0, n - 1);
endfunction // string_take

function automatic string string_drop(string str, int n);
return str.substr(n, str.len() - 1);
endfunction // string_drop

function automatic int string_length(string str);
return str.len();
endfunction // string_length

import "DPI-C" function bit[7:0] sail_read_byte(logic [63:0] addr);

import "DPI-C" function bit sail_read_tag(logic [63:0] addr);
logic [7:0] sail_memory [logic [63:0]];

bit sail_tag_memory [logic [63:0]];

typedef struct {
logic [63:0] paddr;
Expand All @@ -99,15 +105,17 @@ typedef sail_write sail_memory_writes [$];

function automatic sail_bits emulator_read_mem(logic [63:0] addrsize, sail_bits addr, sail_int n);
logic [63:0] paddr;
/* verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT */
logic [SAIL_BITS_WIDTH-1:0] buffer;
sail_int i;
logic [SAIL_INDEX_WIDTH-2:0] i;

paddr = addr.bits[63:0];

for (i = n; i > 0; i = i - 1) begin
buffer = buffer << 8;
buffer[7:0] = sail_memory[paddr + (i[63:0] - 1)];
for (i = n[SAIL_INDEX_WIDTH-2:0]; i > 0; i = i - 1) begin
buffer[7 + (i * 8) -: 8] = sail_read_byte(paddr + (64'(i) - 1));
buffer[7 + (i * 8) -: 8] = sail_memory[paddr + (64'(i) - 1)];

return '{n[SAIL_INDEX_WIDTH-1:0] * 8, buffer};
Expand All @@ -124,10 +132,14 @@ endfunction
function automatic bit emulator_read_tag(logic [63:0] addrsize, sail_bits addr);
logic [63:0] paddr;
paddr = addr.bits[63:0];
return sail_read_tag(paddr);
if (sail_tag_memory.exists(paddr) == 1)
return sail_tag_memory[paddr];
return 1'b0;

module emulator_write_mem
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,10 +172,10 @@ module emulator_write_tag
output sail_unit ret,
output sail_memory_writes out_writes
endmodule // emulator_write_tag

function automatic string sail_string_of_bits(sail_bits bv);
return "";
endfunction // sail_string_of_bits

147 changes: 107 additions & 40 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,9 +75,40 @@
which is quite complicated. The [$[mapping_match]] attribute
ensures the type checker can re-check the mapping despite
the added option type. *)
which is quite complicated. The [$[mapping_match]] attribute
ensures the type checker can re-check the mapping despite
the added option type.
There are a few constraints that make this rewrite as tricky looking as it is:
- We don't want to duplicate any expression (`<expr1>` and `<expr2>`).
- We can't change the evaluation order, as this might change the
observable side effects of the expression. This includes the order
in which we evaluate `mapping_forwards` relative to all the other
- The scope of all pattern bindings should be preserved.
- The match can be embedded in any context (so we can't use `return`).
- Mappings can be nested e.g. `m1(m2(m3(<pattern>)))`.
If the mapping match is in a return position we can instead rewrite to
let y = x in {
$[complete] match y {
<pat> => return <expr1>,
z if mapping_forwards_matches(z) => $[complete] match mapping_forwards(z) {
A => return <expr2>,
_ => (),
_ => (),
$[<completeness>] match y {
which avoids the nested match statements and option type. *)

open Ast
open Ast_util
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,23 +206,29 @@ let name_gen prefix =

(* Take a arm like "<pat> => <exp>" and turn it into "<pat> => Some(<exp>)" *)
let some_arm = function
| Pat_aux (Pat_exp (pat, exp), annot) -> Pat_aux (Pat_exp (pat, mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "Some", [exp]))), annot)
| Pat_aux (Pat_when (pat, guard, exp), annot) ->
Pat_aux (Pat_when (pat, guard, mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "Some", [exp]))), annot)
let wrap_some ~return_position exp =
if return_position then mk_exp (E_return exp) else mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "Some", [exp]))

let wildcard_none = mk_pexp (Pat_exp (mk_pat P_wild, mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "None", [mk_lit_exp L_unit]))))
(* Take a arm like "<pat> => <exp>" and turn it into "<pat> => Some(<exp>)", or
"<pat> => return <exp>" when in return position. *)
let some_arm ~return_position = function
| Pat_aux (Pat_exp (pat, exp), annot) -> Pat_aux (Pat_exp (pat, wrap_some ~return_position exp), annot)
| Pat_aux (Pat_when (pat, guard, exp), annot) -> Pat_aux (Pat_when (pat, guard, wrap_some ~return_position exp), annot)

(* Create an arm like "_ => None()" or "_ => ()" (when in return position) *)
let wildcard_arm ~return_position () =
if return_position then mk_pexp (Pat_exp (mk_pat P_wild, mk_lit_exp L_unit))
else mk_pexp (Pat_exp (mk_pat P_wild, mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "None", [mk_lit_exp L_unit]))))

let unwrap_some =
mk_pexp (Pat_exp (mk_pat (P_app (mk_id "Some", [mk_pat (P_id (mk_id "result"))])), mk_exp (E_id (mk_id "result"))))

let none_pexp exp = mk_pexp (Pat_exp (mk_pat (P_app (mk_id "None", [mk_pat (P_lit (mk_lit L_unit))])), exp))

let remove_completeness_attribute uannot = uannot |> remove_attribute "incomplete" |> remove_attribute "complete"

let match_completeness c (E_aux (aux, (l, uannot))) =
let uannot =
uannot |> remove_attribute "incomplete" |> remove_attribute "complete" |> add_attribute (gen_loc l) c None
let uannot = uannot |> remove_completeness_attribute |> add_attribute (gen_loc l) c None in
match aux with
| E_match _ -> E_aux (aux, (l, uannot))
| _ -> Reporting.unreachable l __POS__ "Non-match in match_completeness"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,7 +274,7 @@ let tuple_exp = function [exp] -> exp | exps -> mk_exp (E_tuple exps)

let tuple_pat = function [pat] -> pat | pats -> mk_pat (P_tuple pats)

let rec mappings_match is_mapping subst mappings pexp =
let rec mappings_match ~terminal ~return_position is_mapping subst mappings pexp =
let handle_mapping (subst_id, P_aux (aux, (l, uannot))) =
match aux with
| P_app (mapping, [subpat]) ->
Expand All @@ -257,50 +294,78 @@ let rec mappings_match is_mapping subst mappings pexp =
let subpat = tuple_pat ( (fun (_, _, subpat) -> subpat) mappings) in
let match_exp =
let arms =
construct_pexp (subpat, guard_opt, mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "Some", [exp])), (gen_loc l, empty_uannot));
if terminal then [construct_pexp (subpat, guard_opt, exp, (gen_loc l, empty_uannot))]
construct_pexp (subpat, guard_opt, wrap_some ~return_position exp, (gen_loc l, empty_uannot));
wildcard_arm ~return_position ();
rewrite_match_untyped is_mapping subst head_exp arms (gen_loc l, empty_uannot)
rewrite_match_untyped ~return_position is_mapping subst head_exp arms (gen_loc l, empty_uannot)
construct_pexp (pat, Some guard_exp, match_exp, (gen_loc l, empty_uannot))

and rewrite_arms is_mapping subst msa (l, uannot) =
and rewrite_arms ~return_position is_mapping subst msa (l, uannot) =
let head_exp_tmp = mk_id "head_exp#" in
let mmatch = mappings_match is_mapping subst msa.mappings msa.subst_arm in
let mmatch terminal = mappings_match ~terminal ~return_position is_mapping subst msa.mappings msa.subst_arm in
let new_head_exp =
mk_exp (E_match (mk_exp (E_id head_exp_tmp), some_arm msa.before_arms @ [mmatch; wildcard_none]))
( mk_exp (E_id head_exp_tmp), (some_arm ~return_position) msa.before_arms @ [mmatch false; wildcard_arm ~return_position ()]
|> match_complete
let outer_match =
match msa.after_arms with
| [] ->
E_aux (E_match (new_head_exp, [unwrap_some]), (l, add_attribute Parse_ast.Unknown "mapping_match" None uannot))
|> match_incomplete
| _ ->
let after_match =
rewrite_match_untyped is_mapping subst (mk_exp (E_id head_exp_tmp)) msa.after_arms (l, uannot)
( E_match (new_head_exp, [unwrap_some; none_pexp after_match]),
(l, add_attribute Parse_ast.Unknown "mapping_match" None uannot)
|> match_complete
if return_position then (
match msa.after_arms with
| [] ->
(E_match (mk_exp (E_id head_exp_tmp), (some_arm ~return_position) msa.before_arms @ [mmatch true]))
|> match_incomplete
| _ ->
let after_match =
rewrite_match_untyped ~return_position is_mapping subst (mk_exp (E_id head_exp_tmp)) msa.after_arms
(l, uannot)
E_aux (E_block [new_head_exp; after_match], (l, remove_completeness_attribute uannot))
else (
match msa.after_arms with
| [] ->
E_aux (E_match (new_head_exp, [unwrap_some]), (l, add_attribute Parse_ast.Unknown "mapping_match" None uannot))
|> match_incomplete
| _ ->
let after_match =
rewrite_match_untyped ~return_position is_mapping subst (mk_exp (E_id head_exp_tmp)) msa.after_arms
(l, uannot)
( E_match (new_head_exp, [unwrap_some; none_pexp after_match]),
(l, add_attribute Parse_ast.Unknown "mapping_match" None uannot)
|> match_complete
mk_exp (E_let (mk_letbind (mk_pat (P_id head_exp_tmp)) msa.head_exp, outer_match))
(* Make sure we don't generate a pointless `let head_exp# = head_exp# in ...` *)
match msa.head_exp with
| E_aux (E_id id, _) when string_of_id id = "head_exp#" -> outer_match
| _ -> mk_exp (E_let (mk_letbind (mk_pat (P_id head_exp_tmp)) msa.head_exp, outer_match))

and rewrite_match_untyped is_mapping subst head_exp arms (l, (uannot : uannot)) =
and rewrite_match_untyped ~return_position is_mapping subst head_exp arms (l, (uannot : uannot)) =
match split_arms (fun x -> x) is_mapping subst [] arms with
| before_arms, Some (subst_arm, mappings, after_arms) ->
rewrite_arms is_mapping subst { head_exp; before_arms; subst_arm; mappings; after_arms } (l, uannot)
rewrite_arms ~return_position is_mapping subst
{ head_exp; before_arms; subst_arm; mappings; after_arms }
(l, uannot)
| _, None -> E_aux (E_match (head_exp, arms), (l, uannot))

and rewrite_match_typed is_mapping subst head_exp arms (l, (tannot : tannot)) =
and rewrite_match_typed ~return_position is_mapping subst head_exp arms (l, (tannot : tannot)) =
match split_arms map_uannot is_mapping subst [] arms with
| before_arms, Some (subst_arm, mappings, after_arms) ->
let rewritten_match =
rewrite_arms is_mapping subst
rewrite_arms ~return_position is_mapping subst
(strip_mapping_split_arms { head_exp; before_arms; subst_arm; mappings; after_arms })
(l, untyped_annot tannot)
Expand All @@ -311,7 +376,9 @@ let rewrite_exp (aux, annot) =
match aux with
| E_match (head_exp, arms) ->
let fresh = name_gen "mapping" in
rewrite_match_typed (fun m -> Env.is_mapping m (env_of_annot annot)) fresh head_exp arms annot
rewrite_match_typed ~return_position:false
(fun m -> Env.is_mapping m (env_of_annot annot))
fresh head_exp arms annot
| _ -> E_aux (aux, annot)

let rewrite_ast ast =
Expand Down
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -353,6 +353,7 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) (Primop_gen : PRIMOP_GEN) = struct
| CT_fint n, CT_lbits ->
let* x = signed_size ~into:lbits_size ~from:n x in
return (Fn ("Bits", [bvint lbits_index (Big_int.of_int n); x]))
| CT_fint n, CT_fint m -> signed_size ~into:m ~from:n x
| CT_lbits, CT_fbits n -> unsigned_size ~into:n ~from:lbits_size (Fn ("contents", [x]))
| CT_fbits n, CT_fbits m -> unsigned_size ~into:m ~from:n x
| CT_fbits n, CT_lbits ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1242,11 +1243,12 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) (Primop_gen : PRIMOP_GEN) = struct
match (cval_ctyp v, ret_ctyp) with
| CT_constant n, _ when Big_int.greater_equal n ->
return (bvint (int_size ret_ctyp) (Big_int.pow_int_positive 2 (Big_int.to_int n)))
| CT_lint, CT_lint ->
let* v = smt_cval v in
| ctyp, _ ->
(* TODO: Check we haven't shifted too far *)
return (bvshl (bvone lint_size) v)
| _ -> builtin_type_error "pow2" [v] (Some ret_ctyp)
let sz = int_size ctyp in
let ret_sz = int_size ret_ctyp in
let* shift = bind (smt_cval v) (signed_size ~into:ret_sz ~from:sz) in
return (bvshl (bvone ret_sz) shift)

let builtin_count_leading_zeros v ret_ctyp =
let rec lzcnt ret_sz sz smt =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1367,6 +1369,10 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) (Primop_gen : PRIMOP_GEN) = struct
return (Fn ("or", constructors))
| (CT_fbits _ | CT_lbits), (CT_fbits _ | CT_lbits) -> builtin_eq_bits x y
| CT_bit, CT_bit ->
let* x = smt_cval x in
let* y = smt_cval y in
return (Fn ("=", [x; y]))
| (CT_constant _ | CT_fint _ | CT_lint), (CT_constant _ | CT_fint _ | CT_lint) -> builtin_eq_int x y
| CT_unit, CT_unit -> return (Bool_lit true)
| CT_enum _, CT_enum _ ->
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ let string_to_list s =
module IntSet = Set.Make (Int)
module IntMap = Map.Make (Int)

module StringSet = Set.Make (String)
module StringMap = Map.Make (String)

module IntIntSet = Set.Make (struct
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/util.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -268,11 +268,13 @@ val string_to_list : string -> char list

(** {2 Useful sets} *)

(** Sets of Integers *)
(** Sets of integers and strings *)
module IntSet : Set.S with type elt = int and type t = Set.Make(Int).t

module IntMap : Map.S with type key = int and type 'a t = 'a Map.Make(Int).t

module StringSet : Set.S with type elt = string and type t = Set.Make(String).t

module StringMap : Map.S with type key = string and type 'a t = 'a Map.Make(String).t

module IntIntSet : Set.S with type elt = int * int
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -457,6 +457,8 @@ let value_undefined_vector = function
| [v1; v2] -> V_vector (Sail_lib.undefined_vector (coerce_int v1, v2))
| _ -> failwith "value undefined_vector"

let value_undefined_range = function [v1; v2] -> v1 | _ -> failwith "value undefined_range"

let value_undefined_list = function [_] -> V_list [] | _ -> failwith "value undefined_list"

let value_undefined_bitvector = function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -795,6 +797,7 @@ let primops =
("undefined_unit", fun _ -> V_unit);
("undefined_bit", fun _ -> V_bit Sail_lib.B0);
("undefined_int", fun _ -> V_int;
("undefined_range", value_undefined_range);
("undefined_nat", fun _ -> V_int;
("undefined_bool", fun _ -> V_bool false);
("undefined_bitvector", value_undefined_bitvector);
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