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Support undefined function generation for scattered unions
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Also adjust interpreter to collect all of the functions before attempting
to initialise the registers, so that it can find generated functions
placed at the end.

Fixes #216
  • Loading branch information
bacam committed May 5, 2023
1 parent 6299db6 commit fcdcdc5
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Showing 5 changed files with 76 additions and 58 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1205,6 +1205,13 @@ let record_ids defs =
IdSet.of_list (rec_ids defs)

let rec get_scattered_union_clauses id = function
| DEF_aux (DEF_scattered (SD_aux (SD_unioncl (uid, tu), _)), _) :: defs when id uid = 0 ->
tu :: get_scattered_union_clauses id defs
| _ :: defs ->
get_scattered_union_clauses id defs
| [] -> []

let order_compare (Ord_aux (o1,_)) (Ord_aux (o2,_)) =
match o1, o2 with
| Ord_var k1, Ord_var k2 -> k1 k2
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/ast_util.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -525,7 +525,9 @@ val ids_of_ast : 'a ast -> IdSet.t
val val_spec_ids : 'a def list -> IdSet.t

val record_ids : 'a def list -> IdSet.t

val get_scattered_union_clauses : id -> 'a def list -> type_union list

val pat_ids : 'a pat -> IdSet.t

val subst : id -> 'a exp -> 'a exp -> 'a exp
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106 changes: 59 additions & 47 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1118,6 +1118,55 @@ let generate_undefineds vs_ids defs =
| [pat] -> pat
| pats -> mk_pat (P_tuple pats)
let undefined_union id typq tus =
let pat = p_tup (quant_items typq |> quant_item_param |> List.concat |> (fun id -> mk_pat (P_id id))) in
let body =
if !opt_fast_undefined && List.length tus > 0 then
undefined_tu (List.hd tus)
(* Deduplicate arguments for each constructor to keep definitions
manageable. *)
let extract_tu = function
| Tu_aux (Tu_ty_id (Typ_aux (Typ_tuple typs, _), id), _) -> (id, typs)
| Tu_aux (Tu_ty_id (typ, id), _) -> (id, [typ])
let record_arg_typs m (_,typs) =
let m' =
List.fold_left (fun m typ ->
TypMap.add typ (1 + try TypMap.find typ m with Not_found -> 0) m) TypMap.empty typs in
TypMap.merge (fun _ x y -> match x,y with Some m, Some n -> Some (max m n)
| None, x -> x
| x, None -> x) m m'
let make_undef_var typ n (i,lbs,m) =
let j = i+n in
let rec aux k =
if k = j then [] else
let v = mk_id ("u_" ^ string_of_int k) in
(mk_letbind (mk_pat (P_typ (typ,mk_pat (P_id v)))) (mk_lit_exp L_undef))::
(aux (k+1))
(j, aux i @ lbs, TypMap.add typ i m)
let make_constr m (id,typs) =
let args, _ = List.fold_right (fun typ (acc,m) ->
let i = TypMap.find typ m in
(mk_exp (E_id (mk_id ("u_" ^ string_of_int i)))::acc,
TypMap.add typ (i+1) m)) typs ([],m) in
mk_exp (E_app (id, args))
let constr_args = extract_tu tus in
let typs_needed = List.fold_left record_arg_typs TypMap.empty constr_args in
let (_,letbinds,typ_to_var) = TypMap.fold make_undef_var typs_needed (0,[],TypMap.empty) in
List.fold_left (fun e lb -> mk_exp (E_let (lb,e)))
(mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "internal_pick",
[mk_exp (E_list ( (make_constr typ_to_var) constr_args))]))) letbinds
(mk_val_spec (VS_val_spec (undefined_typschm id typq, prepend_id "undefined_" id, None, false)),
mk_fundef [mk_funcl (prepend_id "undefined_" id)
let undefined_td = function
| TD_enum (id, ids, _) when not (IdSet.mem (prepend_id "undefined_" id) vs_ids) ->
let typschm = typschm_of_string ("unit -> " ^ string_of_id id) in
Expand All @@ -1136,58 +1185,21 @@ let generate_undefineds vs_ids defs =
(mk_exp (E_struct ( (fun (_, id) -> mk_fexp id (mk_lit_exp L_undef)) fields)))]]
| TD_variant (id, typq, tus, _) when not (IdSet.mem (prepend_id "undefined_" id) vs_ids) ->
let pat = p_tup (quant_items typq |> quant_item_param |> List.concat |> (fun id -> mk_pat (P_id id))) in
let body =
if !opt_fast_undefined && List.length tus > 0 then
undefined_tu (List.hd tus)
(* Deduplicate arguments for each constructor to keep definitions
manageable. *)
let extract_tu = function
| Tu_aux (Tu_ty_id (Typ_aux (Typ_tuple typs, _), id), _) -> (id, typs)
| Tu_aux (Tu_ty_id (typ, id), _) -> (id, [typ])
let record_arg_typs m (_,typs) =
let m' =
List.fold_left (fun m typ ->
TypMap.add typ (1 + try TypMap.find typ m with Not_found -> 0) m) TypMap.empty typs in
TypMap.merge (fun _ x y -> match x,y with Some m, Some n -> Some (max m n)
| None, x -> x
| x, None -> x) m m'
let make_undef_var typ n (i,lbs,m) =
let j = i+n in
let rec aux k =
if k = j then [] else
let v = mk_id ("u_" ^ string_of_int k) in
(mk_letbind (mk_pat (P_typ (typ,mk_pat (P_id v)))) (mk_lit_exp L_undef))::
(aux (k+1))
(j, aux i @ lbs, TypMap.add typ i m)
let make_constr m (id,typs) =
let args, _ = List.fold_right (fun typ (acc,m) ->
let i = TypMap.find typ m in
(mk_exp (E_id (mk_id ("u_" ^ string_of_int i)))::acc,
TypMap.add typ (i+1) m)) typs ([],m) in
mk_exp (E_app (id, args))
let constr_args = extract_tu tus in
let typs_needed = List.fold_left record_arg_typs TypMap.empty constr_args in
let (_,letbinds,typ_to_var) = TypMap.fold make_undef_var typs_needed (0,[],TypMap.empty) in
List.fold_left (fun e lb -> mk_exp (E_let (lb,e)))
(mk_exp (E_app (mk_id "internal_pick",
[mk_exp (E_list ( (make_constr typ_to_var) constr_args))]))) letbinds
[mk_val_spec (VS_val_spec (undefined_typschm id typq, prepend_id "undefined_" id, None, false));
mk_fundef [mk_funcl (prepend_id "undefined_" id)
let vs, def = undefined_union id typq tus in
[vs; def]
| _ -> []
let undefined_scattered id typq =
let tus = get_scattered_union_clauses id defs in
undefined_union id typq tus
let rec undefined_defs = function
| DEF_aux (DEF_type (TD_aux (td_aux, _)), _) as def :: defs ->
def :: undefined_td td_aux @ undefined_defs defs
(* The function definition must come after the scattered type definition is complete, so put it at the end. *)
| DEF_aux (DEF_scattered (SD_aux (SD_variant (id, typq), _)), _) as def :: defs ->
let vs, fn = undefined_scattered id typq in
def :: vs :: undefined_defs defs @ [fn]
| def :: defs ->
def :: undefined_defs defs
| [] -> []
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1019,8 +1019,6 @@ let rec initialize_registers allow_registers gstate =
| Some exp ->
{ gstate with registers = Bindings.add id (eval_exp (initial_lstate, gstate) exp) gstate.registers }
| DEF_aux (DEF_fundef fdef, _) ->
{ gstate with fundefs = Bindings.add (id_of_fundef fdef) fdef gstate.fundefs }
| _ -> gstate
Expand All @@ -1030,6 +1028,12 @@ let rec initialize_registers allow_registers gstate =

let initial_state ?(registers=true) ast env primops =
let gstate = initial_gstate primops ast.defs env in
let add_function gstate = function
| DEF_aux (DEF_fundef fdef, _) ->
{ gstate with fundefs = Bindings.add (id_of_fundef fdef) fdef gstate.fundefs }
| _ -> gstate
let gstate = List.fold_left add_function gstate ast.defs in
let gstate =
{ (initialize_registers registers gstate ast.defs)
with allow_registers = registers }
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9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,13 +88,6 @@ let fake_rec_opt l = Rec_aux (Rec_nonrec, gen_loc l)

let no_tannot_opt l = Typ_annot_opt_aux (Typ_annot_opt_none, gen_loc l)

let rec get_union_clauses id = function
| DEF_aux (DEF_scattered (SD_aux (SD_unioncl (uid, tu), _)), _) :: defs when id uid = 0 ->
tu :: get_union_clauses id defs
| _ :: defs ->
get_union_clauses id defs
| [] -> []

let rec filter_union_clauses id = function
| DEF_aux (DEF_scattered (SD_aux (SD_unioncl (uid, tu), _)), _) :: defs when id uid = 0 ->
filter_union_clauses id defs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,7 +158,7 @@ let rec descatter' funcls mapcls = function
immediately grab all the future clauses and turn it into a
regular union declaration. *)
| DEF_aux (DEF_scattered (SD_aux (SD_variant (id, typq), (l, _))), def_annot) :: defs ->
let tus = get_union_clauses id defs in
let tus = get_scattered_union_clauses id defs in
begin match tus with
| [] -> raise (Reporting.err_general l "No clauses found for scattered union type")
| _ ->
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