This is a project for e-commerce website. This project is developed using PHP and MySQL. The project is build using MVC architecture. The project is developed by Grapple Inc. team.
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
The platform provides the following features:
- User registration and login
- User-friendly interface
- Two types of users: admin and customer
- Admin dashboard
- Admin can add, edit and delete products/categories
- Seller dashboard (for sellers)
- Seller can add, edit and delete products
- Fast and efficient checkout process
- Easy product search and filter
- Product reviews and ratings
- Order tracking and history
To install the project, follow these steps:
- Clone the project repository:
git clone
Import the db.sql file into your MySQL database.
Update the database connection details in the database.php file.
Start the PHP development server using XAMPP or any other server.
- Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost/project/ to access the project.
This project is currently being developed and maintained by:
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
If you want to contribute to this project, follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Create a branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Make the necessary changes and commit them:
git add .
git commit -m "Add a new feature"
- Push the changes to your forked repository:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Create a pull request to the original project repository.
Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.
If you encounter any issues with the project or have any suggestions for improvements, please create a new issue in the project repository.
If you want to contact us, you can reach us at:
We hope that this project will make it easier for people to find donors for organ and blood donations. Thank you for your interest in our project!
This project is currently in development. We are planning to add the following features in the future:
- Add a payment gateway
- Add a chatbot
- Add a blog
- Add a forum
- Add a wishlist
- Add a product comparison feature
- Add a product recommendation feature