This documentation is not updated anymore. All documentation of Respresso moved to
Content | Link |
Add Respresso to new or exiting Web project | |
Get started with Respresso CLI (auto-sync) | |
Migrate from legacy NPM package to the new CL I | |
Content | Link |
Respresso CLI reference (auto-sync) | |
Respresso CLI config reference (auto-sync) | |
Import existing resources from Web project | Localization, Image (raster or vector), Color |
Localization format - JSON (Flat or Structured) | |
Localization variables in Respresso | |
Localization variable placeholders | |
Seriously, 🛑 stop 🛑 here and go to the new docs!
Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects. It allows you to simply import the latest assets into your workspace. You may store several versions of the same resource in the cloud and pick the ones you need to import. Respresso currently supports five types of resources:
- Images
- Localization
- Fonts
- Colors
- Raw
Using Respresso should be intuitive to anyone who has used npm before. Configurations are stored in the respresso.json, while your current assets’ metadata are stored in respresso.lock.
In respresso.json you can customize:
- projectToken: received during initialization of your project in the Respresso web interface
- targetDirectory: it should be under src as CRA does not import from elsewhere
- resources: only import what you need and you can change the version number, too
The currently accepted resource names are:
- image
- color
- localization
- font
- raw
Accepted version formats are:
- [major].[minor].[patch] eg. 1.2.0
- [major].[minor].[patch]+ eg. 1.2.0+ (not available in strict mode)
- [major].[minor]+ eg. 1.2+ (not available in strict mode)
To start using Respresso in your app takes almost zero time and effort.
- Add to your dev devendencies:
npm install respresso --dev
- Add a sync script into your package.json:
"scripts": {
"sync": "respresso sync",
- After configuring your Respresso project, just issue
npm run sync
and you can start using the resources.
- Install any packages that it depends on
npm install
- Sync resource files
npm run sync
- Start running the server
npm run serve
This demo uses vue-i18n, so you can find all relevant info there. Respresso files are imported in src/i18n.js.
This demo uses style-resources-loader so you can access the color definitions in every scss files. You can find a demo in src/App.vue.
Find a sample use of svg in src/App.vue.
Find a sample use of fonts in src/App.vue.
npm run sync
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint