A plugin for switch color scheme and font, even on start up!
Before install this plugin, you should install
- https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes
- (optional) https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes
- Some coding Fonts
- Some fonts is put in
folder, just install the fonts. - Top 10 Coding Fonts for Developers
- Some fonts is put in
- Install this plugin.
- Open vim and execute
to enjoy!
By default, the plugin will try to find all the color schemes in runtime path.
If want to use your favorite color schemes for random, you can set a list/array
to this option in .vimrc
. For example:
let g:favorite_color_schemes = ['molokai',
\ 'zenburn',
\ 'jellybeans',
\ 'peaksea']
The plugin will try to use default setting.
Note: Before using a font, you should install font on system by yourself.
let g:favorite_gui_fonts = [
\ 'Monaco:h12',
\ 'Fira\ Code:h12',
\ 'Cascadia\ Code:h12',
\ 'Ubuntu\ Mono:h14',
\ 'Inconsolata:h13',
\ 'Source\ Code\ Variable:h12',
\ 'JetBrains\ Mono:h13',
\ 'Consolas:h13'
The plugin will use a random color scheme and font when vim starting up by default.
If you want to disable this action, you can set the value of
in .vimrc
. For example:
let g:random_theme_start = 0
colo pyte
Available values are here:
- Do not use'all'
- Use a random color scheme in all, default value'all:light'
- Use a random light color scheme in all'all:dark'
- Use a random dark color scheme in all'favorite'
- Use a random color scheme in favorite'favorite:light'
- Use a random light color scheme in favorite'favorite:dark'
- Use a random dark color scheme in favorite
- select a font fromg:favorite_gui_fonts
- select a color scheme from all available schemes and run:RandomFont
select a color scheme:RandomTheme dark
select a dark color scheme:RandomTheme light
select a light color scheme:RandomTheme $shemeName
select a special color scheme
- select a color scheme from the schemes ing:favorite_color_schemes
and run:RandomFont
select a color scheme:RandomThemeFavorite dark
select a favorite dark color scheme:RandomThemeFavorite light
select a favorite light color scheme:RandomThemeFavorite $schemeName
select a special favorite color scheme
- 2022-07-14
- use https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes
- add support for
:RandomTheme ${schemeName}
/:RandomFavorite ${schemeName}
- change airline theme when run
- 2020-09-22
- update
- update
- 2020-04-22
- add
JetBrains Mono
- add
- 2020-01-10
- add
command - remove
- add
- 2019-12-09
- Remove font
- Remove font
- 2019-09-23
- Rename to
- add
command - add
- remove
- Rename to
- 2015-11-23
- Every color scheme will be matched in each round
- 2015-11-03
- Rename
- add
- Rename
- 2015-02-07
- Rename to
- Rename to
- 1.0.2
- add
- add
- 1.0.1
- add help document
- 1.0.0
- random colors
- add good colors