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Ichimoku Scanner for Traders : New component for the Ichimoku Analyst Framework.

Quant & Fintech Opensource Projects edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 1 revision

Despite its name, it is not doing the same thing as

I should rename it but for now I let it named as is.

This component is more trading oriented.

Example of use :

python -e binance -f *usdt -tf 1d,4h,2h,1h,15m,5m -l -up -down

In this case, it will scan for assets that :

  • Has their symbol name ending with "USDT" (-f *usdt)
  • Are having their price and chikou span above all their other Ichimoku levels (-up)
  • Or are having their price and chikou span below all their other Ichimoku levels (-down)
  • In the specified timeframes, here : 1d, 4h, 2h, 1h, 1h, 15m, 5m (-tf 1d,4h,2h,1h,15m,5m)
  • On Binance Exchange (-e binance)
  • And will scan in loop (-l)

You can also track only one asset, eg. BTCPERP on Bybit :

python -e bybit-f BTCPERP -tf 4h,1h,15m,5m,1m -l -up -down