core / org.rewedigital.dialog.handler / DialogflowResponseBuilder
class DialogflowResponseBuilder
Name | Summary |
<init> | DialogflowResponseBuilder(dialogflowHandler: DialogflowHandler ) |
Name | Summary |
askGoogleForCoarseLocation | fun askGoogleForCoarseLocation(reason: String ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Helper function to ask the user for Permissions.DEVICE_COARSE_LOCATION permission. DialogflowHandler.permissionGranted will return true if the permission was granted. |
askGoogleForLocation | fun askGoogleForLocation(reason: String ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Helper function to ask the user for Permissions.DEVICE_COARSE_LOCATION and Permissions.DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION permission. DialogflowHandler.permissionGranted will return true if the permission was granted. |
askGoogleForPreciseLocation | fun askGoogleForPreciseLocation(reason: String ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Helper function to ask the user for Permissions.DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION permission. DialogflowHandler.permissionGranted will return true if the permission was granted. |
askGoogleForSignIn | fun askGoogleForSignIn(): DialogflowResponseBuilder Helper function to ask the user to start the sign-in process. DialogflowHandler.signInStatus will return the result of the sign-in process. |
build | fun build(): WebhookResponse Returns the WebhookResponse and WebhookResponse.validate the result. |
expectUserResponse | fun expectUserResponse(expectResponse: Boolean ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Set this true if the agent awaits a response from the user or false if the agent should close the session. |
withCard | fun withCard(card: Card , platform: Platform ? = null): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a Card for the given Platform. |
withGoogleBasicCard | fun withGoogleBasicCard(basicCard: GoogleBasicCard ): DialogflowResponseBuilder fun withGoogleBasicCard(title: String , subtitle: String ? = null, formattedText: String ? = null, image: GoogleImage ? = null, buttons: MutableList < GoogleButton > = mutableListOf(), imageDisplayOptions: ImageDisplayOptions ? = ImageDisplayOptions.CROPPED): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a GoogleBasicCard. RichResponse must start with a GoogleSimpleResponse. Only one GoogleBasicCard per RichResponse is allowed. |
withGoogleCarouselSelect | fun withGoogleCarouselSelect(vararg carouselItems: GoogleCarouselItem ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a GoogleCarouselSelect with the given GoogleCarouselItem. In addition there must be at least one RichResponse item. |
withGoogleLinkOutSuggestion | fun withGoogleLinkOutSuggestion(linkOutSuggestion: LinkOutSuggestion ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds LinkOutSuggestion. |
withGoogleListSelect | fun withGoogleListSelect(listSelect: ListSelect ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a ListSelect for the Platform.ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE. |
withGoogleReprompts | fun withGoogleReprompts(vararg repropmpts: String ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a list of repromts. fun withGoogleReprompts(vararg repropmpts: GoogleSimpleResponse ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a list of GoogleSimpleResponse as repromts. |
withGoogleSimpleResponse | fun withGoogleSimpleResponse(simpleResponse: GoogleSimpleResponse ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a GoogleSimpleResponse. RichResponse must start with a GoogleSimpleResponse. A maximum of two GoogleSimpleResponse per RichResponse are allowed. fun withGoogleSimpleResponse(simpleResponse: String ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a GoogleSimpleResponse with the given string. RichResponse must start with a GoogleSimpleResponse. A maximum of two GoogleSimpleResponse per RichResponse are allowed. |
withGoogleSimpleResponses | fun withGoogleSimpleResponses(simpleResponses: GoogleSimpleResponses ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds GoogleSimpleResponses. RichResponse must start with a GoogleSimpleResponse. A maximum of two GoogleSimpleResponse per RichResponse are allowed. |
withGoogleSuggestions | fun withGoogleSuggestions(suggestions: Suggestions ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds Suggestions. fun withGoogleSuggestions(vararg suggestions: String ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds Suggestions with the given strings. |
withImage | fun withImage(image: Image , platform: Platform ? = null): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds an Image for the given Platform. |
withQuickReplies | fun withQuickReplies(quickReplies: QuickReplies , platform: Platform ? = null): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds QuickReplies for the given Platform. |
withText | fun withText(text: String ): DialogflowResponseBuilder Set the FulfillmentText for Dialogflow. |
withTextMessage | fun withTextMessage(text: TextMessage , platform: Platform ? = null): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a TextMessage with the given Platform. fun withTextMessage(vararg text: String , platform: Platform ? = null): DialogflowResponseBuilder Adds a TextMessage with a list of a given string and Platform. |