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f varas edited this page Oct 31, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the TwitterFollowBot wiki!

Table of Contents

Install and configuration examples:

Temporarily the documentation is in this link (google drive doc).

Tips and tricks

Search for a specific word and avoid another specific word


I was retweeting about astrophotography but didn't want to include tweets with the word astrology

 from TwitterFollowBot import TwitterBot
 import time
 my_bot = TwitterBot('config.txt')
 hashtags = ['#YearInSpace', '#astrophotography -astrology']
 for i in hashtags:
   my_bot.auto_rt(i, count=3)

Search and omit a specific user

Sometimes, spam prone accounts use random hashtags to get more RT. If you want to avoid a specific user:

 hashtags = [ '#webcam -from:@freewebcamsluts' ]