Wordpress Social Share Plugin - Clean, Fast, Simple. With Favorities integrations, and AJAX Support. Facebook Scrape block every 24h (useful to avoid Facebook API Alerts).
- Counter of shares for Facebook.
- Facebook, Pinterest, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Twitter, Print, Favorities
- Auto featured image and text to share message.
- Ajax support (if you have a caching system, works and tested with Varnish Proxy Server).
- Font awesome ready
- Facebook api limit friendly
- If enabled, works with: https://github.com/kylephillips/favorites
- Compatible with Autoptimize Plugin
- Works with any Caching Plugin.
- Upload the RM_ShareCounter inside your wp-content/plugins.
- Upload the RM_ajax_shareUpdater.php inside your wp-content/themes/YOURTHEME.
- Activate the plugin
- Open Settings and modify for your use.
- Create and publish a page called "Rm Shareupdater" and connect the custom page template.
- Add this shortcode in your theme:
<?php if(shortcode_exists( 'share-counter' )) { echo do_shortcode("[share-counter]"); } ?>
- Enjoy
- google Events works for every button, now works only with print
- Print js code embed in the plugin (Please note: you can set up the print functions in your Theme js!)
- Icon bundle selections
- put postID var using wp_localize_script
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Riccardo Mel
[email protected]