Particle life converted from hunar4321's javascript code with some help from ChatGPT
After playing with Tom Mohr's version of Particle Life and then discovering hunar4321's github page, I wanted to try and find a version that would run on an ESP32. I already had a version of John Conway's Game of Life running on my LilyGO ESP32 T-display S3, so I strongly suspected it should be possible to get it running. I couldn't find an existing port of the code, so, not being a proficient programmer, I decided to try and enlist the help of Chat-GPT. I have never tried anything like this before but it was a very enjoyable and successful collaboration.
The Particle Life 4 colour version is designed to run on the basic board. The Particle Life control version is modified to make use of Volos's LilyGO TTGO T-Display development board; see here for further details -