This repo exists for two reasons:
- I use these dotfiles on configurations every day.
- As a source of ideas for others. I've learned a ton reading other peoples dotfiles, so I figure I should try to make mine a bit more accessible to others.
- dotter - dotfile management and simple templating written in Rust
- homebrew - Package manager
- tmux - Terminal multiplexing
- tmuxinator - Management of complex tmux environments
- neovim - My editor of choice. I love vi, and this is the best vi yet. Most of my dotfiles are related to neovim, because I spend the majority of my time working in it.
- wezterm - A pretty sweet configurable terminal written in Rust.
- zsh - The shell I've used for the last decade or more. I manage plugins with a simple script that I found here. I don't use a lot of zsh plugins so this works nicely for me.