Rindow Math Matrix is the fundamental package for scientific matrix operation
- A powerful N-dimensional array object
- Sophisticated (broadcasting) functions
- BLAS functions
- Functions useful for machine learning
- Tools for integrating C/C++ through the FFI (OpenBLAS,Rindow-Matlib,CLBlast etc.)
- GPU support on your laptop without n-vidia (OpenCL with Intel,AMD etc.)
- Useful linear algebra and random number capabilities
Please see the documents on Rindow mathematics project web pages.
- PHP 8.1 or PHP8.2 or PHP8.3 or PHP8.4
- PHP7.2, PHP7.3, PHP7.4 and PHP 8.0 are not supported in this release. Please use Release 1.1, which supports them.
You can perform very fast N-dimensional array operations in conjunction
- rindow-math-matrix-matlibffi: plug-in drivers for OpenBLAS,Rindow-Matlib,OpenCL,CLBlast for FFI
- Pre-build binaries
Please see the rindow-math-matrix-matlibffi to setup plug-in and pre-build binaries.
Set it up using composer.
$ composer require rindow/rindow-math-matrix
You can use it as is, but you will need to speed it up to process at a practical speed.
And then, Set up pre-build binaries for the required high-speed calculation libraries. Click here for details.
$ composer require rindow/rindow-math-matrix-matlibffi
// sample.php
include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Rindow\Math\Matrix\MatrixOperator;
$mo = new MatrixOperator();
$a = $mo->array([[1,2],[3,4]]);
$b = $mo->array([[2,3],[4,5]]);
$c = $mo->cross($a,$b);
echo $mo->toString($c,indent:true)."\n";
$ php sample.php