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Graphite Render API Coverage

Dave Wongillies edited this page Sep 28, 2013 · 1 revision
Graphite function DSL property Usage
absolute not implemented
alias :alias :alias => "My Alias"
aliasByMetric :alias_by_metric `'
aliasByNode :alias_by_node ``
aliasSub :alias_sub_search ``
alpha not implemented
areaBetween not implemented
asPercent :as_percent ``
averageAbove not implemented
averageBelow not implemented
averageOutsidePercentile not implemented
averageSeries not implemented
averageSeriesWithWildcards not implemented
avg not implemented
cactiStyle :cacti_style ``
color :color ``
consolidateBy not implemented
constantLine not implemented
countSeries not implemented
cumulative not implemented
currentAbove not implemented
currentBelow not implemented
dashed :dashed ``
derivative :derivative ``
diffSeries not implemented
divideSeries not implemented
drawAsInfinite :line ``
events not implemented
exclude not implemented
group not implemented
groupByNode group ``
highestAverage :highest_average ``
highestCurrent not implemented
highestMax not implemented
hitcount not implemented
holtWintersAberration hw_predict ``
holtWintersConfidenceArea not implemented
holtWintersConfidenceBands hw_predict ``
holtWintersForecast hw_predict ``
identity not implemented
integral not implemented
invert not implemented
keepLastValue :keep_last_value ``
legendValue :legend_value ``
limit not implemented
lineWidth :linewidth ``
log not implemented
logBase :logbase
lowestAverage not implemented
lowestCurrent not implemented
maxSeries not implemented
maximumAbove not implemented
maximumBelow not implemented
minSeries not implemented
minimumAbove not implemented
mostDeviant not implemented
movingAverage :smoothing
movingMedian not implemented
multiplySeries not implemented
nPercentile not implemented
nonNegativeDerivative :non_negative_derivative ``
offset not implemented
offsetToZero not implemented
pct :as_percent
perSecond not implemented
percentileOfSeries not implemented
percentileOfSeries not implemented
randomWalk not implemented
randomWalkFunction not implemented
rangeOfSeries not implemented
removeAbovePercentile not implemented
removeAboveValue not implemented
removeBelowPercentile not implemented
removeBelowValue not implemented
removeBetweenPercentile not implemented
scale :scale ``
scaleToSeconds :scale_to_seconds ``
secondYAxis :second_y_axis ``
sin not implemented
sinFunction not implemented
smartSummarize not implemented
sortByMaxima not implemented
sortByMinima not implemented
sortByTotal not implemented
stacked not implemented
stddevSeries not implemented
stdev not implemented
substr not implemented
sum :sum ``
sumSeries :sum ``
sumSeriesWithWildcards not implemented
summarize :summarize ``
threshold `` ``
time not implemented
timeFunction not implemented
timeShift not implemented
timeStack not implemented
transformNull not implemented
useSeriesAbove not implemented
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