IBM Integration Bus MQSI Create Bar Gradle Plugin
A gradle plugin that makes it easier to create bar files used for deploying onto IBM Integration Bus v9.0. The plugin executes the mqsicreatebar and mqsibaroverride commands. The plugin is useful in CI tools such as Jenkins.
The mqsi environment must be initialized before the plugin can be used. For example, on windows you must run the gradle tasks within the IBM Integration Console (e.g. mqsiprofile.cmd).
This will build and install the plugin to the local maven repo.
./gradle install
To use the plugin in your IIB project you must create two files, build.gradle and build.config.
build.gradle example:
// the version of your project
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
// location of where your maven repository resides
url uri('file:/C:/dev/.m2/repository')
dependencies {
classpath 'gradle.plugins.mqsicreatebar:gradle-mqsicreatebar-plugin:1.1'
apply plugin: 'gradle.plugins.mqsicreatebar'
build.config contains the configuration settings for the project. For example the build.config can contain properties which mqsiapplybaroverride is performed. See Build with Overrides section below.
Below is an example of the project structure for an application project. For each application project an equivalent bar file will be created. Support for packaging multiple applications in a single bar file is not supported.
The build.gradle file should be placed in the folder alongside your Application project (not the workspace folder). For example:
In the above example you would need a build.gradle file for each Application project. When executing "gradle build" task in each project the following will be created. If you have environment defined in the build.config file an equivalent bar file will be created. This essentially
Deletes all bar files from the build folder
gradle clean
Creates a bar file from the build.gradle using the default properties from the project
gradle build
Creates bar file(s) from an integration project. For an integration project you must create a build.config file alongside the build.gradle file. An example of the build.config file is shown below.
# The location of the workspace
workspace = '../'
# Name of the bar file that the plugin will create
barFileName = MyBarFile
# Integration projects to include
projects = [
# Files to include in the bar file
files = [
Afterwards you can execute the build command
gradle build
This will produce the bar file:
Below is an example config file for building a library bar file:
workspace = '../'
barFileName = 'RoutingRulesTypeB'
libraries = [
When the bar file is build using the "gradle build" command a broker.xml is created within the bar files META-INF folder. IBM contains an mqsibaroverride command that overrides the properties in the broker.xml file. This plugin allows you to specify these properties within the build.config file.
Example broker.xml file:
<ConfigurableProperty override="/abc" uri="myFlow#exampleProperty"/>
<ConfigurableProperty override="/def" uri="myFlow#exampleProperty2"/>
To override the configurable property you must define the following within the build.config file.
environment {
stage {
myFlow {
exampleProperty = "/tmp"
exampleProperty2 = "/tmp2"
prod {
myFlow {
exampleProperty = "/var/log"
exampleProperty2 = "/var/log2"
This will create two bar files:
Each bar file will contain the properties pertaining to environment defined in the build.config file.
Debugging can be enabled in the plugin as follows:
gradle <task> -Ddebug