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Craigslist Clone

I took on this project to learn Ruby by example on the weekends/free time. I doubt this will be of use to anyone.

Project Flow:

  1. Run rails new .
  2. Go into directory and run bundle install.
  3. Make a Database using the rails g migration initial_schema.
  4. Add Schema tables (create_table).
  5. Run rake db:migrate to autogenerate a Schema.
  6. Make models and assign them corresponding to their relations.
  7. Make controllers and set up routes using the config/routes.rb file.
  8. Add the root index file and corresponding stylesheets.
  9. Make views and define them in the controller. Add them to the routes.rb file and tag them into links into the root index.html.erb file.
  10. Define categories and subcategories in a way that would look good into a URL (breadcrumb).
  11. Define data for config/seeds.rb file and run rake db:seed to make sure that duplicate data is not being stored and the CRUD operations are running in the Database.
  12. Use rails c on the terminal and type <Record Name>.all to see the record data.
  13. Repeat this step for all the categories.
  14. Use the Controller to fetch the data from the database and use that fetched data to change the view of the page.
  15. Showed the listings of the different categories with ids by inserting a category_path, making a show function in the CategoriesController and made a basic show.html.erb.
  16. Showed the listings of different subcategories within categories with ids by inserting a category_subcategory_path, making a show function in the SubcategoriesController and made a basic show.html.erb.
  17. For the listings, we need the CRUD operations. So, add resources :listings to routes.rb file and then run rake routes.
  18. To use the listings CRUD operations, add a link to index.html.erb, then define the new function in the ListingsController and finally, add the template for new.html.erb.
  19. Made a Listings view page and added a form to Create Listings. A new instance of the Listing was initiated in the ListingsController.
  20. To submit the form, there is a need of a create action in the ListingsController.
  21. Another private method called listing_params was made to make sure that only the specific data is passed through the parameters.
  22. We add code to save the form data and reditrect the users to the listing after clicking submit.
  23. Added code to the ListingsController to show the listings page on form submit and added a file for the view. As we submit the form, sqlite3 database also got updated.
  24. Ran rails g migration add_category_subcategory_to_listings so that it is possible to have fields for categories and subcategories in create_listing form.
  25. Added code to change function and ran rake db:migrate.
  26. Added find_by_category method to select subcategories based on the category chosen and added a post request to routes.rb file.
  27. There is no use for loading JS every time so //=require_tree. was removed from application.js file.
  28. Added code to include js in the view, used initializers to precompile js file to select subcategories based on the category chosen and fixed bugs in routes.rb and SubcategoriesController.
  29. Added code to parse listing data according to categories and subcategories to show the listings accordingly for categories links.
  30. Added views for pages when there is no listing data for a particular Category or Subcategory.
  31. Added geocoder gem for search functionality for the listings and added code to listings.rb to join the details of the location.
  32. Ran rails g migration add_lat_long_to_listings and added code to change function for the type of latitude and longitude. After that, ran rake db:migrate.
  33. Added code to ListingsController, Listings model and index.html.erb to support search functionality for all the listings using the data present.
  34. Added devise gem for Authentication functionality. Ran rails generate devise:install. Followed steps required to properly have devise working and ran rails g devise:views.
  35. Added functionality for logged in and guest users with different views and tested the login/logout features.
  36. Ran rails g migration added_user_index_to_listings. After that, ran rake db:migrate. This adds the user index to listings so that it is easier to code a functionality for the user to look at their listings.
  37. Added edit and delete buttons (and paths) for the user to have the functionality to delete or edit a listing that they posted.
  38. Added a file to to edit listings and added update and destroy actions for listings. Added breadcrumbs to all the static pages of the site.
  39. Added a validations for listings.


A Craigslist clone using Rails framework.







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