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Cyrus Chan edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 7 revisions

OgHref distributes two licenses which named AGPL v3 and MIT licenses depending application of using this packages. In fews words, AGPL v3 applied if new package published regarding to extending features of oghref_model only and MIT license will be used for all Flutter widgets packages instead.

To clarify the conditions of selecting licenses, this article will provides a flow chart for briefly describe which licenses will be affected as well as listing serval uses cases for different scenrino of using OgHref libraries.

Conditions of selecting licenses

As mentioned before, unless the new project is only involved the feature extension of model library which AGPL v3 will be affected, most packages will adapted MIT licenses instead. There is a flow chart for describe eligable licenses by determining implementations of packages:

Flow diagraph of choosing licenses depending on package implementation

According to the diagraph, the only condition that the package will be applied rules of AGPL v3 licenses if and only if attempted to develop new classes from oghref_models and publishs as a new pub package publicly.

Although it is eligable for using MIT license when the package contains oghref_model deployments eventhough it serves for building executable under a console or Flutter as main purpose, to encourage for expanding supported protocols, it is preferred to sperate model classes to a dedicated package and publish under AGPL v3 license.

Table view of selecting license

Package purpose Applied licenses
Port OgHref in other programming language and publish as package
Implement into Dart console or Flutter program,
no matter model has been inherited or not
Release a new package for extending protocol support for OgHref
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