Thank you for finding GMInStyle! This code and I are in no way endorsed by GroupMe. This is an unofficial custom stylesheet for GroupMe.
To use this stylesheet, you can use a CSS @import
like this:
@import url("");
This will keep you using the latest version. If you would rather use a static local copy, you can download the style.css
In this section are listed a few browser extensions that may be used to inject this CSS into GroupMe. Most of the browser extensions mentioned in this section have not been adequately reviewed by contributors to this README. Always read terms and conditions, permissions, and reviews before installing. These extensions are suggestions, and no guarantees are made regarding them; thus no liability for the extensions is automatically had by contributors to this README.
GMInStyle is best tested in and optimised for Google Chrome.
Check out the Chrome Web Store for more options.
in Firefox 
Check out the Firefox Add‐ons Store for more options.
in Safari 
The only extension for this that I could find is Stylish. Check out the Safari Extensions for more options.
in Opera 
Check out the Opera Extensions for more options.
If you’d like to contribute, please point out any bugs or issues or submit a pull request. If you use any browser that isn’t currently tested, it’d be great if you could test out the CSS and submit any issues that you see! This is my first actual repository, so please let me know if I messed up on something. ❤️