This repository contains the codebase PHP bridge using RoadRunner centrifuge plugin.
To install application server and Jobs codebase
composer require roadrunner-php/centrifugo
You can use the convenient installer to download the latest available compatible version of RoadRunner assembly:
composer require spiral/roadrunner-cli --dev
vendor/bin/rr get
It's possible to proxy some client connection events from Centrifugo to the RoadRunner application server and react to them in a custom way. For example, it's possible to authenticate connection via request from Centrifugo to application backend, refresh client sessions and answer to RPC calls sent by a client over bidirectional connection.
The list of events that can be proxied:
β called when a client connects to Centrifugo, so it's possible to authenticate user, return custom data to a client, subscribe connection to several channels, attach meta information to the connection, and so on. Works for bidirectional and unidirectional transports.refresh
- called when a client session is going to expire, so it's possible to prolong it or just let it expire. Can also be used just as a periodical connection liveness callback from Centrifugo to app backend. Works for bidirectional and unidirectional transports.sub_refresh
- called when it's time to refresh the subscription. Centrifugo itself will ask your backend about subscription validity instead of subscription refresh workflow on the client-side.subscribe
- called when clients try to subscribe on a channel, so it's possible to check permissions and return custom initial subscription data. Works for bidirectional transports only.publish
- called when a client tries to publish into a channel, so it's possible to check permissions and optionally modify publication data. Works for bidirectional transports only.rpc
- called when a client sends RPC, you can do whatever logic you need based on a client-provided RPC method and params. Works for bidirectional transports only.
First you need to add centrifuge
section to your RoadRunner configuration. For example, such a configuration
would be quite feasible to run:
listen: tcp://
command: "php app.php"
relay: pipes
proxy_address: "tcp://" # Centrifugo address
and centrifugo config:
"admin": true,
"api_key": "secret",
"admin_password": "password",
"admin_secret": "admin_secret",
"allowed_origins": [
"token_hmac_secret_key": "test",
"publish": true,
"proxy_publish": true,
"proxy_subscribe": true,
"proxy_connect": true,
"allow_subscribe_for_client": true,
"proxy_connect_endpoint": "grpc://",
"proxy_connect_timeout": "10s",
"proxy_publish_endpoint": "grpc://",
"proxy_publish_timeout": "10s",
"proxy_subscribe_endpoint": "grpc://",
"proxy_subscribe_timeout": "10s",
"proxy_refresh_endpoint": "grpc://",
"proxy_refresh_timeout": "10s",
"proxy_sub_refresh_endpoint": "grpc://",
"proxy_sub_refresh_timeout": "1s",
"proxy_rpc_endpoint": "grpc://",
"proxy_rpc_timeout": "10s"
- endpoint address of roadrunner server with activatedcentrifuge
To init abstract RoadRunner worker:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use RoadRunner\Centrifugo\CentrifugoWorker;
use RoadRunner\Centrifugo\Payload;
use RoadRunner\Centrifugo\Request;
use RoadRunner\Centrifugo\Request\RequestFactory;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\Worker;
$worker = Worker::create();
$requestFactory = new RequestFactory($worker);
// Create a new Centrifugo Worker from global environment
$centrifugoWorker = new CentrifugoWorker($worker, $requestFactory);
while ($request = $centrifugoWorker->waitRequest()) {
if ($request instanceof Request\Invalid) {
$errorMessage = $request->getException()->getMessage();
if ($request->getException() instanceof \RoadRunner\Centrifugo\Exception\InvalidRequestTypeException) {
$payload = $request->getException()->payload;
// Handle invalid request
// $logger->error($errorMessage, $payload ?? []);
if ($request instanceof Request\Refresh) {
try {
// Do something
$request->respond(new Payload\RefreshResponse(
// ...
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$request->error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
if ($request instanceof Request\Subscribe) {
try {
// Do something
$request->respond(new Payload\SubscribeResponse(
// ...
// You can also disconnect connection
$request->disconnect('500', 'Connection is not allowed.');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$request->error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
if ($request instanceof Request\Publish) {
try {
// Do something
$request->respond(new Payload\PublishResponse(
// ...
// You can also disconnect connection
$request->disconnect('500', 'Connection is not allowed.');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$request->error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
if ($request instanceof Request\RPC) {
try {
$response = $router->handle(
new Request(uri: $request->method, data: $request->data),
); // ['user' => ['id' => 1, 'username' => 'john_smith']]
$request->respond(new Payload\RPCResponse(
data: $response
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$request->error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
Note You can find addition information about here.
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE
for more information. Maintained
by Spiral Scout.