Flow package which provides convenient access to the Akismet REST service.
In order to use the service you'll first need to sign up for a (usually) free account at http://akismet.com/
Next, just include this package into your application by adding it to the required package of your composer.json file.
Finally add your Akismet credentials to your Settings.yaml:
# Defines the host of the Akismet service. Does not have to be changed unless
# Akismet changes its service entry point.
serviceHost: 'rest.akismet.com'
# The API key you have been provided by Akismet
apiKey: ''
# The frontpage URI pointing to your blog or the site using Akismet. Must be
# a full URI, for example "http://robertlemke.com/blog".
blogUri: ''
The Service class provides a simple API for checking if a comment is spam or submitting new spam or ham to the service:
$isSpam = $service->isCommentSpam($permaLink, $content, $type, $author, $authorEmailAddress, $authorUri);