Specs driven social meta-programming
Spectro will fetch an algorithm to cover the given spec form its DB and will then define the #hello
method using it.
require 'spectro'
class Sample
include Spectro
implements \
hello: [:name]
spec_for hello String -> String
"Minion" -> "Say Hello to Minion"
"Roberto" -> "Say Hello to Roberto"
"Roland" -> "Say Hello to Roland"
sample = Sample.new
sample.hello 'Eddie' #=> 'Say Hello to Eddie'
- Keep coding while waiting for an algorithm that covers your specs
- Using Spectro just to mock stuff
require 'spectro'
class EmailValidator
include Spectro
implements \
valid?: [:email]
spec_for valid? String -> TrueClass|FalseClass
"[email protected]" -> true
"invalidATemail.com" -> false
require 'email_validator' #=> Spectro::Exception::UndefinedMethodDefinition
Spectro.configure do |config|
require 'email_validator'
email_validator = EmailValidator.new
email_validator.valid?("[email protected]") #=> true
email_validator.valid?("invalidATemail.com") #=> false
email_validator.valid?("[email protected]") #=> raise Spectro::Exception::UnkwnonMockResponse