This Project is my own version of TodoList
This branch turns project into complete serverless architecture. The App functionality is still the same, but the approach is different. The Idea is creating App without spinning any server. Just focus on the code and let AWS handle the rest. On that regards, we will change our architecture into:
- Lambda - Backend (nodejs runtime)
- S3 - FrontEnd
- ( very simple app with no authentication, and styling styling)
Note:All services used is on the same region.
- Create Dyamodbo table of name taskdb with primaryKey of taskId.Set the Read and Write Capacity into 1 (to make sure its under freetier)
Create addtask, delettask, gettasklist functions Author From Scatch with nodejs.16X runtime
For the code, upload the zip file for each function located on backend/lambda/nodejs_cb/
In Configuration tab of each function add environment variables
- Key=DB_TABLE Value=taskdb
In Configuration tab of each functions ,choose Permission and click the role name link. You will redirect to the roles details of each function -Edit the existing Policy name and add policy for each function. located on backend/iamrole
- eg for addtaskPolicy add policy on putitem.json { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "dynamodb:PutItem", "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:chosen-region:aws-acount:table/dynamodb_table" } replace chosen-region with your own region aws-account with your account dynamodb_table with taskdb
- For Protocol choose REST
- Choose Import from Swagger or Open API 3
- Click Select Swagger File button and upload json file under backen/api and click IMPORT
- For Integration type choose Lambda Function
- /addtask/POST - your addtask function
- /deletetask/{taskId}/DELETE - your deletetask function
- /gettasklist/GET - your gettasklist function
- Because /deletetask/ has params {taskId} on its path, we need to pass this to lambda function. - on /deletetask/{taskId}/DELETE, click Integration Request - Choose Mapping Templates -> When there are no templates defined (recommended) - Under Content-Type type application/json and add object below and save. { "takskId": "$input.params('taskId')" }
To use the API we need to deploy it. Click Actions and Click Deploy API choose New Stage Stage name: dev Stage Descpiton : stage description Deployment Description: deployement description -Under Stages, you will see the newly deploy api.
copy the root endpoint that something look like this
Open frontend/tasklist/src/App.vue replace apiAddr with your endpoint.
- Create unique bucket name , enable the static webhosting and create bucket policy to allow access to to this bucket.
- on frontend/tasklist/ type (npm run build) and press enter.
- it will create dist folder under takslist project.
upload all files and folder under dist folder (without dist folder)
Test your application by visiting your static website url and try adding ang deleting task.
Check Your dynamodb table if the task is recorded and delete if you delete task.
Note: Dont forget to delete your api gateway and other aws service which used in this project.
Best Regards.