The first release of Zazouck is not yet finished.
Comming soon... please be patient. ;)
Zazouck is an AmaZing Opensource Universal Construction Kit
This program generates stl files to build a wonderful construction, from a 3D model. Here is an example of a generated part :
The generated files are 3d printable connectors to connect wood, platic or metal rods together.
If you want to create corners with specific angles, you can also use Zazouck manually, without the generator : just use the Openscad file or simply go on the Thingiverse page.
The program works in 2 steps:
- First, it creates a table file (.csv) which containing the connectors parameters.
- Then, it creates stl files of the connectors, from the table.
##Installation instuctions
Go where you want to install Zazouck:
$ cd your_favorite_path
Install dependencies:
- Git (version control system): To get the sources. You can also download the files manually from the GitHub page.
- Svn (version control system): To get the latest version of Jsc3d. You can also download the files manually from the web page.
- Openscad (CAD software): To create the files. v2013.05+ is required to generate images for the documentation.
- Imagemagick (image editor): To process images for the documentation.
- Jsc3d (HTML5 stl viewer): To display stl files on a web page (not yet used)
sudo apt-get install git svn openscad imagemagick
svn checkout --non-recursive jsc3d
- Get the sources
$ git clone
$ mv jsc3d zazouck
- Make it easy to use
$ chmod +xX zazouck/python/*.py
$ echo export PATH=$PATH:your_favorite_path/zazouck/python/ >> ~/.bashrc
Comming soon...
You can try to build from the sources, but it has never tested on these platforms yet.
##Usage See examples folder to get 3D model examples
- To create a table describing each file, without generate them
$ zazouck cube.stl -b ./table.csv # will create file 'table.csv'
$ zazouck cube.stl -b # will create file 'cube.csv'
- To generate a directory containing all the .stl files
$ zazouck cube.stl # from a 3D model
$ zazouck cube.csv # from a table
- To generate a nice documentation:
$ zazoucko cube.stl -d
##Options Use zazoucko -h to see all available options :
usage: zazouck [-h] [-o PROJECT_DIR] [-p PARAM_PATH] [-t] [-i] [-d DIR] [-na]
[-V [{1,2,3}]] [-j [NB_JOBS_SLOTS]] [-v]
*** Zazouck ***
This program allows you to build constructions, by generating 3D files
from your model. It works in 2 times: first, it build .csv table files
describing the parts (very fast), then it compile this one into a lot
of .stl files (can be long). See for getting started.
positional arguments:
input_path 3d model (stl file) or model directory if you want to
continue a compilation.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o PROJECT_DIR, --output-dir PROJECT_DIR
Directory where all the files will be exported
(current dir. by default)
-p PARAM_PATH, --param-path PARAM_PATH
Load a parameters file from PARAM_PATH, containing the
parts parameters.
-t, --test The files are quickly compiled for testing, not able
to be printed.
-i, --infos Get some informations about the model.
-d DIR, --doc-dir DIR
Assembly instructions directory (OUTPUT_DIR/doc by
-na, --no-assembled Do not build the assembled model (save time).
-V [{1,2,3}], --verbose [{1,2,3}]
Verbose level: 1 = OpenScad calls (default value), 2 =
OpenScad warnings, 3 = all OpenScad messages.
Compile NB_JOBS_SLOTS files simultaneously (the number
of cores on your computer by default).
-v, --version Show program version and exit.
Author: Nathanaël Jourdane - [email protected]
Zazouck is licensed under GNU GPLv3:
If you discover a bug or if you have any suggestion, please report it by opening an issue. If you have other comments or questions to make about Zazouck, you can also contact me directly:
Nathanaël Jourdane : nathanael at jourdane dot net
For all other questions the answer in 42.