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Basic POSIX Shell Scripting

Shell Scripting Basics

  • In NixOS, the best way to run #!/bin/bash is to use #!/usr/bin/env bash as shebang
  • $ set - to display a complete list of active environment variables available
  • User variables
    • up to 20 letters/digits/underscores
    • case sensitive
    • assignments should NOT have spaces at all
      • var=-10
    • stored as text strings by the shell script
  • Command substitution
    • Two ways:
      • the backtick character
      • The $() format
    • a subshell is created to run the enclosed command
      • a separate child shell
      • any variables create in the parent shell will NOT be available to commands in the subshell
  • Subshells are also created if command is run from the CLI using the ./ path
  • Output redirection
    • command > outputfile
      • > creates the outputfile
      • overwrites existing file
      • use >> to append (instead of overwrite)
  • Input redirection
    • command < inputfile
    • e.g. wc <
      • number of lines, words, and bytes
    • inline input redirection
      • <<
      • needs a text marker
      wc << <marker>
      - <text>
      - <marker>
      • uses the prompt defined in $PS2
  • Pipes
    • command1 | command2
    • both commands are run at the same time
    • no intermediate files/buffers are used to transfer the data
    • piping operates in real time
  • Paging commands:
    • less
    • more
  • Math
    • Two ways to do math:
    • expr command
      • $ expr 1 + 5
      • old and NOT recommended anymore
    • square brackets $[operation]
      • looks like also deprecated
      • integer arithmetic ONLY
      • zsh supports floating-point operations
    • use $((...))
  • bc - the Bash calculator
    • supports floating-point solutions
    • use scale to specify precision (decimal points)
      • default is 0
    • variable=$(echo "options; expression" | bc)
    • able to do inline input redirection
      variable=$(bc << EOF
  • Exiting the script
    • every command has an exit status
    • exit status: 0 - 255
    • $?: special variable to grab exit status of the last executed command
      • needs to be run immediately after
    • by default, the script exits with the exit status of the last command in the script
      • overwrite that by manually exit <exit_code>
      • if <exit_code> is larger than 255, use modulo <exit_code> % 256

Structured Commands

  • if-then

    if command # checking if exit status of `command` is zero
    • alternatively, if command; then
  • if-then-else

    if command
  • if-then can ONLY evaluate the condition of a command's exit code

  • to evaluate other conditions, use test

    • test - test whether a variable has content
    if test condition
  • if [ condition ] - an alternative way to test a condition without test

    • there must be a space after the [ and before the ]
  • Numeric comparisons

    • bash can only handle integer comparisons
  • String comparisons

    • use escaped \> and \<
    • otherwise they are interpreted as redirections
    • when comparing orders, \< and \> have different directions than sort
    • sort puts lowercases first
  • if [ -n $string ] - test whether $string is non-zero in length

  • if [ -z $string ] - test whether $string is zero in length

  • -nt/-ot

    • files newer/older than the other?
    • should check whether file exists first
  • Compound testing

    • if [ condition1 ] && [ condition2 ]
    • if [ condition1 ] || [ condition2 ]
  • Advanced if-then

    • Run a command in subshell using (command)
    • Math expressions in ((expression))
    • Advanced string handling in [[...]]
      • allows for pattern matching
  • case

    case variable in
    pattern1 | pattern2) commands1;;
    pattern3) commands2;;
    *) default commands;;
  • for

    for var in list # separated by space
  • IFS - Internal Field Separator

    • special environment variable
    • defines a list of chars used by bash as field separators
    • Default field separators:
      • a space
      • a tab
      • a newline
    • REMEMBER to reset it afterwards!
    • specify more than one character: IFS="$'\n':;"
  • File globbing

    • the process of producing filenames/pathnames that match a specified wildcard
  • C-style for loop

    • for (( variable assignment ; condition ; iteration process ))
  • while

    while test command
        other commands
    • terminates when the exit status of test command changes
    • multiple test commands are allowed - while terminates only when the exit status of the last test command changes
  • until

    • opposite of while
    • terminates when exit status of test command goes from non-zero to zero
  • break

    • break n - the level of loop to break out of
    • by default n is 1
  • continue

    • continue n
  • Processing the output of a loop

    • done > output.txt
    • done < input.txt
    • done | sort

User Inputs

  • $0 - the script's name
    • with path
    • to use only the script name, use the basename command
      • $(basename $0)
  • up to $9 for the ninth parameter
  • for more parameters, use ${10}, ${11}, etc
  • To test parameters, use -n
    • if [ -n "$1" ]

Special Parameter Variables

  • $# - number of command-line parameters
  • if [ $# -eq 1 ]
  • ${!#} - get the value of the last parameter
    • ? CANNOT be used in {}
    • so it's NOT ${?#}
  • To grab all parameters:
    • $* - all parameters as a single word
    • $@ - all parameters as separate words in the same string


  • shift
    • moves each parameter variable one position to the left by default
    • shift <pos>
  • use -- to separate options and parameters
    • -- indicates end of the option list
    • note: the parameters have no special relationship with the options
  • getopt
    • getopt optstring paramters
    • optstring - list of valid option letters
      • colon : after the letter which requires a value
      • q - ignore error messages
      • NOT working well with parameter values with spaces or quotation marks
        • use getopts
  • set
    • set -- - replace commandline parameter variables with the values specified by set
      • used with $@
  • getopts
    • works on existing shell parameter variables sequentially
    • getopts optstring variable
    • prepend optstring with : to suppress error messages
    • uses 2 env variables:
      • OPTARG - parameter value
      • OPTIND - value of the current location within the parameter list where getopts left off
        • incremented by one every time
    • bundles any undefined option into a single output, ?

Getting User Input

  • read
    • either from stdin or file descriptor
    • put data read into a variable
    • if no variable specified, data stored in the special env variable REPLY
    • REPLY: contains all data entered in the input
    • read -p read with a prompt
    • read -s in silent mode
      • no input on display
  • read from a file
    • a single line of a time

Timing out

  • use -t to specify a timer
  • if expired, exit status is non-zero

Presenting Data

File Descriptors

  • STDIN - 0
    • overwritten/redirected by <
  • STDOUT - 1
    • redirected by > or >>
  • STDERR - 2
    • 2> - redirecting STDERR only
    • 1> <file_for_data> 2> <file_for_err>
    • &> - redirect both STDERR and STDOUT to the same file
      • error messages have a higher priority than stdout

Redirecting output

  • precede the file descriptor with &
    • >&2
  • To permanently redirect (for the duration of current script) - exec
    • exec 1>testout
  • exec starts a new shell

Redirecting input

  • exec 0< testinput

Creating custom redirection

  • file descriptors 3 through 8
  • redirecting and resetting STDIN:
exec 6<&0
exec 0<&6

Creating read/write file descriptor

  • open a single file descriptor for both input and output
  • exect 3<> testfile
  • NOTE!
    • when reading from and writing to the same file, the shell maintains an internal pointer!

Closing file descriptors

  • to close, redirect to &-
    • exec 3>&-

Listing Open File Descriptors

  • lsof - list all open file descriptors on the entire Linux system
    • lsof -p - by PID
  • $$ - current PID

Suppressing Command Output

  • redirect to the null file
  • /dev/null
    • can also be used for input redirection as an input file
      • to quickly remove data from an existing file without having to remove the file and re-create it
      • cat /dev/null > file_to_be_cleared

Temporary Files

  • /tmp for temp files
  • auto cleaned up at bootup
  • mktemp - create a unique temp file
    • mktemp testfile.XXXXXX
    • by default in the current location
  • mktemp -t testfile.XXXXXX
    • create in /tmp
  • mktemp -d dir.XXXXXX
    • create temp directory

Logging Messages

  • tee
    • sends data from STDIN
    • sends data to both:
      • STDOUT
      • a file
    • by default overwrites the file
    • -a to append

Script Control

  • by default SIGQUIT and SIGTERM are ignored by Bash shell
    • but SIGHUP and SIGINT are NOT ignored
  • when SIGHUP received, before the Bash shell exits, it passes the SIGHUP signal to any processes started by the shell,
    • including any running shell scripts
  • with SIGINT signal, shell is just interrupted
    • also passed to any processes started by the shell
  • Ctrl+C generates a SIGINT
  • To pause the process,
    • Ctrl+Z - generates SIGTSTP
  • stop vs. terminate - different!
    • stoping a process leaves the program in memory
      • able to resume where it left off
  • to see the list of (stopped) jobs, do ps -l
    • state (S) of T
      • either traced or stopped
  • type exit twice to exit a shell with stopped jobs
  • kill -9 <pid> sends SIGKILL (9) signal to terminate
  • Trapping signals
    • trap <commands> <signals>
    • watch for <commands> and intercept them from shell
  • To keep critical operations flowing in the script, do:
    • trap "" SIGINT <other_signals>
  • To trap upon script exit
    • trap <commands> EXIT
  • To handle trap differently in various sections in a script
    • reissue trap with new options
  • To remove a trap
    • trap -- <list_of_signals>
    • <list_of_signals> - list of signals you want to return to default behavior
  • To see processes running in the background, ps -e
  • <command> & - run a command/script in the background
    • still uses STDOUT and STDERR for messages
  • background processes started from a terminal session will exit if the session exits
  • To keep the script running after the terminal session exits,
    • nohup <command>
    • blocks any SITHUP signals
    • NOT associated with the terminal session anymore
    • no longer has STDOUT and STDERR output channels
    • automatically redirected to nohup.out
  • To see all jobs, run jobs
  • To resume the stopped process,
    • bg and fg
    • if the default job (with the + sign) - no need to specify the job id
    • in Bash, fg <job_id>
    • in zsh, fg %<job_id>
  • scheduling priority
    • a.k.a. nice value
    • the amount of CPU time the kernel assigns to the process relative to other processes
    • by default all processes started from the shell have the same priority
    • -20 (highest) <-> +19 (lowest)
  • To set the priority,
    • nice -n <priority> <command>
    • by default normal users are NOT allowed to set negative (higher than default) priorities
    • only root users can do that
  • To change priority of a running process
    • renice -n <priority> -p <PID>
  • Schedule a job
    • at - specify a future time
    • at [-f filename] time
    • submits job to a queue
    • atd - the at daemon
      • runs in background
      • checks jobs under /var/spool/at or /var/spool/cron/atjobs
      • checks very 60 seconds
    • use -M to suppress any output generated by jobs
  • Job Queue
    • 52 queues for different priorities
    • a to z; A to Z
    • by default, jobs submitted to a queue
    • -q to specify queue
    • by default STDOUT/STDERR are redirected to OS mail system
  • atq - view pending jobs
  • atrm <job_id> - remove a job
  • cron - checks cron tables
    • to run on the last day of every month:
      cron 00 12 28-31 * * if [ "$(date +%d -d tomorrow)" = 01 ] ; then <command> ; fi
  • crontab -l - list an existing cron table
    • by default the cron table does NOT exist for a user
  • cron does NOT retroactively run missed jobs
    • to achieve that, use anacron
  • anacron
    • job is guaranteed to run
    • ONLY dealing with programs under cron directories
      • /etc/cron.monthly
      • /etc/cron.daily
      • /etc/cron.weekly
      • BUT NOT hourly!
    • Uses timestamps to determine if the jobs have been run
    • A timestamp file exists for each cron directory, located in
      • /var/spool/anacron
    • its own table: /etc/anacrontab
  • To run a script every time a new Bash shell is started
    • put the scripts in:
      • $HOME/.bash_profile
      • $HOME/.bash_login
      • $HOME/.profile


function name {

# or,
name() {
  • To call a function, just specify the function name on a line
  • Redefining a function name will override the original function definition
  • Bash shell treats functions like mini-scripts
    • with an exit status
  • exit status:
    • by default, the exit status returned by the last command in the function
    • $? - check the exit status
  • Use return to exit the function with a specific exit status
    • NOTE:
      • Remember to retrieve the return value as soon as the function completes
      • Remember exit status must be 0 - 255
    • cannot return a string
  • Capture output of a function to a shell variable
    • result=$(func)
  • Passing parameters to function
    • inside the function, $0, $1, $2, etc
    • $0 is name of function
    • $# is number of parameters passed to the function - excluding the function itself
  • Parameters passed to the script are NOT the same as those passed to the function within!
    • Need to manually pass the parameters to the function!
  • Scope of variables
    • global by default everywhere
    • local

Passing arrays to functions

  • passing the array variable as a function parameter - it would NOT work!
    • only the first element of the array will be picked up
    • you MUST disassemble the array variable into individual elements!
      • use those individual as function parameters

Returning arrays from functions

  • function uses echo to output individual array values in the proper order
    • the script reassembles back into a new array

Creating a library

  • source - the key
    • executes commands within the current shell context instead of creating a new shell
    • used to run the library file script inside your shell script
    • the dot operator - shortcut alias of source
      • . ./<script>

Using functions on CLI

  • $ function <func_name> { <command>; }


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