The babel is an Epitech project who's goal is to create a VoIP protocol and implement it in c++ using the following libraries:
- Qt (client side)
- Boost (server/client side)
- BoostAsio (server side)
- PortAudio (client side)
- Opus (client side)
- sqlite3 (server side)
The project should be cross platform (windows/linux) and consists of a server and a client. The server connects clients between them and handle messages/commands, but the voice communication should be done in p2p using udp between two clients.
- You must have conan and cmake installed.
- You must have a compiler installed (windows: Visual Studio 15 2017, unix: g++)
Of course you should have git and have cloned this repository.
First add the conan remote that have all the dependencies required:
conan remote add bincrafters
conan remote add epitech
Then make build folder and go into it:
mkdir build
cd build
Run conan to install all dependencies to your computer:
conan install ..
Run CMake:
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
You need to change this line if you want to compile on 32bits windows or if you want to use an other version of visual studio (then i will let you search how to change the command).
At this point the .sln will be generated and you can freely change the code by opening it.
Finally if nothing went wrong you just need to build the exe file:
cmake --build . --config Release
If you want to change the config to debug simply use Debug instead of Release.
Simply go to the folder setup and run (or run all the commands from manually)
After the build you can run the project.
To modify a server config update the server_config.json file in the same directory as the babel_server binary.
To modify the port the server open on you can modify the port
To modify the sqlite3 database that will be used you can modify the dbName
variable. The database used must be in the same directory as the babel_server binary.
To modify a client config update the config.json file in the same directory as the babel_client binary.
To modify the server the client connects to you can modify the host
variable. It can be an IpV4 address or a domain name.
To modify the server port the client connects to you can modify the port
To comunicate over udp the babel_client binary needs to be able to open a socket on the port 6942.
You can access the babel protocol RFC and the doxygen documentation in the docs folder or here.