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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 20, 2022. It is now read-only.


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  • Generates changelogs automatically from device trees in your org
  • Create a changelog-page to telegraph
  • Upload builds to your GDrive
  • Posts automatically builds with changelogs, device name, rom banner, maintainer name and download link in your telegram channel
  • Docker support
  • Firebase support
  • Checkout SwaggerHUB for requests

Show pics or it didn't happen

Generated log example

How to deploy?

Installing requirements

  • Clone this repo, install requirements and generate Google Drive token:
$ git clone

$ cd roms-api-backend

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

$ python3

Setting up config file

Click here for more details

Fill up rest of the fields. Meaning of each fields are described below:

  • devices_org: This is the name of your github organization.
  • github_token: This is your github token.
  • drive_id: This is the folder ID of the Google Drive Folder to where you upload your builds.
  • firebase_cred_file: This is the path to your firebase credential file.
  • firebase_project_id: This the id of your firebase project id, check url after you created a project
  • firebase_collection_user: This is the name of the collection for user authentification.
  • firebase_collection_admin: This is the name of the collection for admin authentification.
  • firebase_rldb: This is the url of your firebase realtime database.
  • firebase_rldb_builds_db: This is the collection name where save informations about builds.
  • rom_name: This is the name of your rom.
  • author_name: This is the author name for telegraph posts.
  • rom_pic_url: This the rom banner url
  • telegram_token: The telegram bot token that you get from @BotFather
  • channel_name: This is the name of your telegram channel for example @channel123
  • support_group: This is the support group name for example @DerpFest5T
  • devices_url: This is the direct link to your devices.yaml file in your organization

Create a firebase instance

  • Visit Firebase Console
  • Create a project
  • Type in a project name
  • Create a Firestore Database and choose Productionmode
  • Go to Projectsettings and go to service account, then click on Firebase Admin SDK and create your private key (add it later to roms-api-backend as firebase_credentials.json)
  • Create a Realtime Database and choose lockmode
  • Copy your database url (in config: firebase_rldb)

Getting Google OAuth API credential file for Google Drive

  • Visit the Google Cloud Console
  • Go to the OAuth Consent tab, fill it, and save.
  • Go to the Credentials tab and click Create Credentials -> OAuth Client ID
  • Choose Desktop and Create.
  • Use the download button to download your credentials.
  • Move that file to the root of roms-api-backend, and rename it to credentials.json
  • Visit Google API page
  • Search for Drive and enable it, if it is disabled
  • Finally, start roms-api-backend and generate your token.json file for Google Drive:
$ python3

How to add an admin?

  • Please execute only after the firebase instance has been created and the config file is complete!
  • The return value will be your token, you need this token to upload builds and add other users

How to add an user?

$ curl -X POST -d \
        '{"devices":["YOURDEVICE"],"token":"YOURADMINTOKEN","name":"NEWUSER","admin":"ADMINNAME"}' \
Click here for more details

Replace rest of the fields. Meaning of each fields are described below:

  • devices: Add one or several devices with their codenames from new user
  • token: Admin authentication token
  • name: Name from new user
  • admin: Name from Admin

How get device.yaml?

  • Create in your organization a repository, for example official_devices, and add a devices.yaml file like here with same syntax
  • You have to use the predefined fields, otherwise the program may not work.


Deploy it with docker

  • Clone Traefik-Configs and follow the instructions in readme file

  • Create your Google Drive token:

$ python3
  • Build Docker image:
$ sudo docker build . -t backend
  • Replace your domain name in docker-compose-yml

  • Run the image, if you replaced your domain name in docker-compose.yml:

$ sudo docker-compose up -d

Without docker:

$ python3 -m uvicorn api:app --reload --host (use gunicorn in production)

How to upload builds?

This is an example for uploading builds. Replace your values with ones written in caps lock.

$  curl -X 'POST' 'https://api.YOUR.DOMAIN/api/upload' \   
                    -H 'accept: application/json' \  
                    -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
                    -F 'codename=DEVICENAME' 
                    -F 'version=YOURANDROIDVERSION' \   
                    -F 'username=YOURUSERNAME' \  
                    -F 'file=@PATH/TO/YOUR/BUILD.ZIP;type=text/plain' \
                    -F 'token=YOURTOKEN' \
Click here for more details

Replace rest of the fields. Meaning of each fields are described below:

  • codename: Codename from device, for example violet
  • version: Android version, for example eleven-plus
  • username: Username
  • file: Path to your build, for example $OUT/
  • token: Authentication token