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Git-flow Strategy

Successful Git Branching Model By Vincent Driessen more PDF

  • master branch
  • develp branch
  • Feature branches
  • Release branches
  • Hotfix branches

Master Branch

Create Repository

  • Create a new repository
Login to GitHub and Create a Repository WIThOUT the readme file

For example: ronnytorresmtz/{test}

  • Link remote (local directory) to origin repository
git init
echo "# comments" >>
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin{test}.git
git push -u origin master
  • Push an existing repository from the command line
git remote add origin{test}.git
git push -u origin master
  • List all branches (local and remotes)
git branch -a
  • Set password and email
git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
git config --global "[email protected]"

Develop Branch

Create Develop Branch

  • Create a new branch, named develop and switch to develop branch
git checkout -b develop
  • Change to master branch
git checkout master

Commit Changes and Push to Branch

  • Add all file to stage
git add .
  • Commit changes for the file in stage with a commit description
git commit -m "first commit"
  • Push our changes to our remote repository
git push

Merge Develop Branch to Master Branch

  • Merge the changes from the develop branch to the master branch
git checkout master
git branch (== to be sure we are in master branch ==)
git merge develop --no-ff (== without losing the develop branch history ==)

Feature Branch

Creating a feature

  • Creating a feature branch from develop branch and switch to feature branch
git checkout -b myfeature develop
  • Finished feature
  • Merge feature to develop
git checkout develop (== Switched to branch 'develop' ==)
git merge --no-ff myfeature (== (Summary of changes ==)
git push origin develop (== Push local to remote develop branch ==)

git branch -d myfeature (== Deleted local branch myfeature ==)
git push origin --delete myfeature (==Delete remote branch myfeature==)

Release Branch

Creating a release branch

  • Creating a release branch with a tag number
git checkout -b release-1.2 develop (== Switched to a new branch "release-1.2" ==)
$ ./ 1.2 (== changes some files in the working copy to reflect the new version ==)
$ git commit -a -m "Bumped version number to 1.2"

Finishing a release branch

  • Mmerge release to master
git checkout master (== Switched to branch 'master' ==)
git merge --no-ff release-1.2 (== Merge release to master)
git tag -a 1.2 (== set master with 1.2 tag ==)
  • Merge relese to develop
git checkout develop (== Switched to branch 'develop'==)
git merge --no-ff release-1.2 (== Merge release to develop without lossing the history==)
git branch -d release-1.2 (== Deleted branch release-1.2==)

Hotfix Branch

Creating the hotfix branch

  • Creating the hotfix branch and switch to hotfix branch
git checkout -b hotfix-1.2.1 master (== Switched to a new branch "hotfix-1.2.1" ==)
./ 1.2.1  (== changes some files in the working copy to reflect the new version ==)
git commit -a -m "Bumped version number to 1.2.1"
git commit -m "Fixed severe production problem"

Finishing a hotfix branch

  • Update master and tag the release on master
git checkout master (== Switched to branch 'master' ==)
git merge --no-ff hotfix-1.2.1 (== Merge release to master)
git tag -a 1.2.1 (== set master with 1.2 tag ==)
  • Update the bugfix in develop
git checkout develop (== Switched to branch 'develop'==)
git merge --no-ff hotfix-1.2.1 (== Merge to develop)
  • Remove the temporary branch
git branch -d hotfix-1.2.1 (delete the hotfix branch)

Delete Repository (DANGER!!!)

  • Remove local repository
git branch -d branch_name
With Capital -D force the deletion even if it is not merge
  • Remove Remote repository
git push --delete origin branch_name

Other Sources

Prevet Commits on Master Branch more Git Guide from Attlasian more Git Cheat Sheet more


One Git-Flow Strategy






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