Metacello new
baseline: 'Phanide';
repository: 'github://ronsaldo/phanide';
The Phanide library provides an event based API for asynchronous external process IO (Used to communica with the GDB Machine Interface), and for monitoring the file system. This library is currently only supported on Linux, but there are plans to support it on OS X and Windows. For loading this, use the following script:
Do the following in a workspace:
'.' browseDirectory
For browsing a directory in a external window, you can do the following (Note: currently there is a bug with the OS X version of OS Window, that will prevent you of receiving mouse events on the external window):
'.' browseDirectoryInExternalWindow
The Phanide syntax highlighters are also registered with FileReferences in the GTInspector, so for example you can just inspect C file for gettings syntax highlighting:
'hello.c' asFileReference inspect
For an example of a Regex based syntax highlighter, check the method PhanideStyler class >>> #c
For an example of a Petit Parser based syntax highlighter, check the method PhanideStyler class >>> #json
, and the PhanideJSONSyntaxHighlighter