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Releases: root-project/jsroot


13 Aug 10:17
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  1. Fix - cover for WebVR API inconsistencies in Android devices (#184)
  2. Fix - add more checks in TF1 GetParName/GetParValue methods (#185)
  3. Fix - bins highlight in lego drawing with "zero" option
  4. Fix - drawing tracks with geometry from TObjArray
  5. Fix - interactive TGraph point move on time scale
  6. Fix - arb8 shapes faces building


29 Apr 10:56
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  1. Add support of TProfile2Poly class
  2. Add support of TGeoOverlap class, provide access from TGeoManager
  3. Add support of TGeoHalfSpace for composites
  4. Implement TF2 drawings update, see tutorials/graphics/anim.C
  5. Improve windows handling in flex(ible) layout
  6. Better position for text in TH2Poly drawings
  7. Enable projections drawing also with TH2 lego plots
  8. Use gStyle attributes to draw histogram title
  9. Use requestAnimationFrame when do monitoring, improves performance
  10. Support eve7 geometry viewer - render data generated in ROOT itself
  11. Many adjustment with new TWebCanvas - interactivity, attributes/position updates
  12. Provide initial WebVR support (#176), thanks to Diego Marcos (@dmarcos)
  13. Upgrade three.js 86 -> 102, use SoftwareRenderer instead of CanvasRenderer
  14. Upgrade d3.js 4.4.4 -> 5.7.0
  15. Use d3.js and three.js from npm when running with node.js
  16. Fix - support clipping for tracks and points in geo painter
  17. Fix - drawing of TGeoNode with finder
  18. Fix - key press events processed only in active pad (ROOT-9128)
  19. Fix - use X0/Y0 in xtru shape (#182), thanks to @altavir
  20. Move most of ui5-specific code into ROOT repository, where it will be maintained
  21. Provide special widget for object inspector


21 Mar 12:00
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  1. Fix - try workaround corrupted data in TTree
  2. Fix - support min0 draw option like ROOT does
  3. Fix - correctly handle TH2Poly draw options, better place text
  4. Fix - seldom error in JSROOT.cleanup
  5. Fix - repair TTree player UI
  6. Fix - error in TH3 filling
  7. Fix - correctly access top element in simple layout
  8. Fix - exclude duplicated points when drawing TH2 with SURF3 options


28 Jan 17:04
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  1. Fix - support clipping for tracks and points in geo painter
  2. Fix - geometry with TGeoNodeOffset was not correctly drawn
  3. Fix - use proper formatting for entries and integral (#179)
  4. Fix - TTree::Draw for 3d histogram was not properly performed


07 Nov 17:18
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  1. Add TMath.BreitWigner function
  2. Support custom streamers for TMaterial and TMixture (very old examples)
  3. Fix - Y-scale drawing of THStack (
  4. Fix - select palette from colz element
  5. Fix - LZ4 uncompression of large buffers


19 Oct 15:08
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  1. With outline drawing speed up (factor 10) canvas with many small sub-pads
  2. Let configure user click and double-click handlers, extend tooltip.htm example
  3. Implement workaround for standard THREE.SVGRenderer - no need for patched version
  4. When producing 3D graphical images in batch, use normal THREE.CanvasRenderer
  5. Use WebGL renderer in Chrome headless mode for 3D images generation
  6. Provide possibility to create SVG files for canvas or frame (#172)
  7. Support text drawing with TH1 bar option
  8. Fix - when drawing text, reserve extra y range to show it correctly
  9. Migrate to Node.js 8, do not support older versions


19 Oct 08:36
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  1. Fix - draw TH2Poly bins outline when no content specified
  2. Fix - always set axis interactive handlers (#170)
  3. Fix - take into account zaxis properties when drawing color palette (#171)


20 Aug 09:24
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  1. Fix - adjust v7 part to new class naming convention, started with R
  2. Fix - show RCanvas title
  3. New - implement 'nocache' option for JSROOT scripts loading. When specified in URL with
    JSRootCore.js script, tries to avoid scripts caching problem by adding stamp parameter to all URLs
  4. New - provide simple drawing for TObjString (#164)


06 Jul 10:55
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  1. Introduce JSROOT.StoreJSON() function. It creates JSON code for the
    TCanvas with all drawn objects inside. Allows to store current canvas state
  2. Support "item=img:file.png" parameter to insert images in existing layout (#151)
  3. Support TTree drawing into TGraph (#153), thanks @cozzyd
  4. Let configure "&toolbar=right" in URL to change position of tool buttons
  5. Let configure "&divsize=500x400" in URL of size of main div element (default - full browser)
  6. Implement "optstat1001" and "optfit101" draw options for histograms
  7. Remove "autocol" options - standard "plc" should be used instead
  8. Provide drawing of artificial "$legend" item - it creates TLegend for all primitives in pad
    Can be used when several histograms or several graphs superimposed
  9. Let configure "&toolbar=vert" in URL to change orientation of tool buttons
  10. Improve markers and error bars drawing for TH1/TProfile


06 Jul 09:00
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  1. Fix - draw functions also when histogram "same" option used (#159)
  2. Fix - when draw histogram as markers improve optimization algorithm
  3. Fix - correct histogram Y-axis range selection in logarithmic scale
  4. Fix - for TH2 draw options allow combination "colztext" (#162)
  5. Fix - PNG file generation with 3D drawings inside