Very SImple ClimAte MOdels
This small collection of Jupyter notebooks is meant to clarify some of the physics that is relevant for climate science.
- green_house_effect.ipynb
This is a very simple model of the green houese effect. It shows the influence of an absorbing layer in the ahomspeher on earth surface temperature.
- mean_earth_surface_temp.ipynb
In simplified climate models often raiation from the earth surface is appriximated by assuming a mean surface temperature and applying the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The radiation density is proportional to
I'm physicist but also a human. Humans tend to make errors. If anybody finds an error I would be very appreciative for this information. But please keep in mind that the models are intentionally simple to catch the underlying physics not to explain in detail the earth's climate.
There is another Gilab repository ropewe56/simpleco2. This is a simple model of the radiation transfer in the atmosphere where radition is only absorbed and emitted by